Mineira killed in 1982 is close to being beatified – Gerais


Beatification date
Date of the beatification of Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos the next step to be defined by the Catholic Church (photo: family archive)

Mines The generals have their fourth blessing in Catholic Church, last step before canonization. After Father Eustquio, Nh Chica and Father Victor, it was time to Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos, born in 1962, in Barbacena, in the Central Region. THE Pope Francisco recognized, as revealed yesterday, the young woman’s martyr, murdered at 20 when he was studying in Juiz de Fora, in the Zona da Mata. On September 1, 1982, a man tried to rape her, but she would have fought to the death to defend her virginity, receiving 15 stab wounds. The crime disrupted the student’s desire to take a medical entrance exam.

“Now the Vatican remains to set the date for the beatificationtherefore, with the declaration of recognition as a martyr, there is no need for proof of a miracle at this stage “, explains Monsignor Danival Milagres Coelho, vicar general of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Mariana and head of the Parish of Santurio Nossa Senhora da Piedade, in Barbacena, which keeps the remains of the young woman, there is also a memorial dedicated to her, her uncles live in the municipality.

“She is an example for young people and a symbol in these times of violence against women. Her story is similar to that of Saint Maria Goretti”, compares Monsignor Danival, referring to Maria Teresa Goretti (1890-1902), a young Italian Catholic , revered as a saint. and a martyr, and murdered at the age of 11 in an attempted rape. In the later stage or canonization (to become a saint), proof of a miracle is needed. “There are many records of appreciation achieved by his intercession,” added the Monsignor.


By being blessed, Isabel Cristina can have her image on altars, temples (sanctuaries, churches and chapels) dedicated to her, and the faithful can appeal to her intercession. What about the Dutch Blessed Father Eustquio, who worked for many years in Minas and died in Belo Horizonte, Blessed Father Victor, who attracts pilgrims to Trs Pontas, in the south of the state, and Blessed Nh Chica, target of pilgrimages in Baependi, in the same region. In Minas there are other candidates for beatification.

It was also announced yesterday that, after meeting this Tuesday with the mayor of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Marcelo Semeraro, Pope Francis authorized the promulgation of a decree recognizing the heroic virtues of the religious Roberto Giovani, paving the way for beatification . He was born in Rio Claro (SP), on March 16, 1903, and spent most of his life in Casa Branca, also in the interior of São Paulo, where he was marked by his social actions, especially with the poor and the sick. . Giovani was linked to the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ and died in Campinas, on January 11, 1994, “after a life dedicated to solidarity”.



She was born in Barbacena in 1962. A student in Juiz de Fora, in the Zona da Mata, on September 1, 1982 she was killed with 15 stab wounds while resisting an attempted rape at her home. (The date remains to be fixed).

In process


Mother Tereza Margarida do Corao de Maria, a native of Borda da

Mata, in the south of Minas. In Trs Pontas, he founded Carmelo So Jos, where he lived from 1962 to 2005, when he passed away.


In January 2013 the diocesan phase of the trial of Benign Victim of Jesus, born in Diamantina, in 1907, ended. She became a nun in the Congregation of Auxiliary Brothers of Nossa Senhora da Piedade at the age of 28. He died on October 16, 1981.


Alderigi Maria Torriani was born in Jacutinga, in the south of Minas. He lived his childhood in Italy. As a priest he assumed the Parish of Santa Rita de Caldas, in the south of the state. The beatification process began in February 2001.


Maria Giselda Vilela, Mezinha, was born in Maria da F, in the south of Minas. At age 13, he had a tumor in his groin. He died in January 1988, after continuing his Christian life. The beatification process began in 2006.


Antnio Ferreira Vioso (1787-1875) entered the novitiate of the Congregao da Misso, in Lisbon, in 1811, being ordained a Lazarist priest in 1818. He arrived from Portugal to found missions in the then province of Mato Grosso. He was director of the Colgio do Caraa, in Minas.


The opening of the beatification process for the 18-year-old Archbishop of Mariana, born in Rio de Janeiro, was announced in August 2011. He died on August 27, 2006.


Monsignor Jos Silvrio Horta was born in Mariana on June 20, 1859 and died on March 30, 1933. The process has been in the diocesan phase of studies for 11 years.


In 2014, the Vatican authorized the opening of the beatification process for the Belgian nun, who lived in Minas for 16 years. He devoted himself in part to the creation of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and congregations. Between 1928 and 1944 he lived in Manhumirim, in the Mata Zone.


Leiga, born in 1913, in Mercs, in the Zona da Mata, passed away on April 9, 1999. The virtue process, inaugurated in 2004, is in the diocesan phase.


Born in Caet, in Grande BH (1843-1924), he spent his life serving God and helping people. She founded the Congregation of the Auxiliary Sisters of Nossa Senhora da Piedade.
