Miguel Ángel Ramírez asks, and Palmeiras removes businessman from negotiation – 10/16/2020


At the request of Miguel Ángel Ramírez, Palmeiras withdrew the OTB from negotiations with the Spanish coach of Independiente Del Valle. According to this Blog, the coach asked that the talks be held directly with Anderson Barros, with whom he has been in contact for the past two days.

The commander himself does not have a coach and was surprised by the number of people who presented themselves as allegedly responsible for the negotiations with the Brazilian team.

Bruno Paiva, one of OTB’s partners, had mediated the “courtship” between Miguel and Atlético and maintained the relationship with the coach. He returned to participate in a possible negotiation, but no longer participates in the talks.

Palmeiras and Miguel talk about the project, but they have not yet reached the stage of discussing salary. At the moment, there is work to convince the commander that the Brazilian team intends to retain him in the long term.

The technician also expressed his concern about the fact that he had to leave Del Valle with the project underway and indicated some requirements such as taking members of his commission and some work methodologies that he would like to maintain in case the conversation continues. Today, in an interview in Ecuador, he refused to comment on the negotiations with Alviverde.

Palmeiras works with him as the most identified with the game concepts that are sought, but he also has other names that appear as an option if the conversation with the Spanish does not advance.
