A report from Fantástico on Sunday (8) showed details of how the scheme to return part of the salary in Flávio Bolsonaro’s office worked and the leaked messages from Luiza Sousa Paes’ cell phone edit
247 – One of the key witnesses to clarify the crack scheme in Flávio Bolsonaro’s office in the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) was Luiza Sousa Paes. It transferred R $ 155 thousand to Fabrício Queiroz, one of the highest values in the scheme.
A report by Fantástico, from TV Globo, this Sunday (8), showed details of how the scheme worked. In Luiza’s case, her relationship with Queiroz was through her father. A neighbor of the financial operator of the Bolsonaro family, she was appointed in 2011 to Flávio’s office as a parliamentary adviser, when she was 20 years old.
Of the salary he received, he always spent most of it in Querioz. Of about R $ 4 thousand, for example, it had a maximum of R $ 800. In different positions, the scheme with Luiza lasted five years of “work”. 11 other “advisers” did the same.
When the scandal began to appear in the media, Luiza’s father despaired and sent a message to his daughter after seeing a report in the Jornal Hoje de Globo, with the image of Queiroz.
“Wow! Did you see any part of Jornal Hoje this afternoon? That Queiroz thing hit (…) That’s right, his picture on today’s newspaper screen. Now it was wrong!”, Wrote the father. The young woman asked him what to do.
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