MBL files request for impeachment against Bolsonaro | Politics


Movimento Brasil Live (MBL) filed a request for impeachment against President Jair Bolsonaro on Monday. Signed by attorney Rubens Nunes, the document highlights that the agent would have committed at least three liability crimes. There are already almost 30 requests for expulsion against the head of the Executive Branch.

In the expulsion request, the MBL indicates that the head of the Executive Branch committed a crime of responsibility by participating in undemocratic demonstrations and by trying to interfere politically with the Federal Police, which would have been decisive for the resignation of former Minister Sergio Moro and for commit breach of decorum by inciting the closure of Congress and the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

The coordinator of MBL, deputy Kim Kataguiri (DEM-SP) stated that the movement considers that Bolsonaro “has committed electoral fraud”, since, in his evaluation, the government abandoned the banner of “liberal politics and the fight against corruption”.

In addition to the impeachment request, the liberation group will make a request for the preventive removal of Bolsonaro due to ideological falsehood. In resigning, Moro said the government used his signature on Maurício Valeixo’s exoneration document from the PF command without his consent.

Next Sunday, MBL will carry out a virtual mobilization against the head of the Executive Branch. The group’s leaders will participate in a live broadcast on social media and use slogans against Bolsonaro.

“The collapse of President Bolsonaro is increasingly evident in the networks,” said Kataguiri.

During an interview, Kataguiri acknowledged that there are not enough votes today to approve a request for impeachment in the House. He believes, however, that as soon as Bolsonaro’s stay is not viable, many supporters of the president will disembark from the government base to vote for the removal.

MBL's Kim Kataguiri admits that there are not enough votes today to approve the removal of the president - Photo: Câmara dos DeputadosMBL's Kim Kataguiri admits that there are not enough votes today to approve the removal of the president - Photo: Câmara dos Deputados

MBL’s Kim Kataguiri admits that there are not enough votes today to approve the removal of the president – Photo: Câmara dos Deputados
