The mayors of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), and of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), reacted this Saturday (24) to the attack by the Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, on colleague Luiz Eduardo Ramos, from the Secretary. Government, responsible for the political articulation of the Planalto Palace with the Congress.
On Thursday (22), Salles said that Luiz Eduardo Ramos should stop adopting a “gossipy Maria” stance.
Through a social network, Maia said that, “not satisfied with destroying the environment of Brazil,” Salles “now decided to destroy the government itself.”
Davi Alcolumbre said that Salles’ attitude “small” to the government. “Without going into the substance of the matter, I make two reservations. 1 – As head of the Legislative Assembly, I note the importance of Minister Ramos in the institutional relationship with Congress. 2 – It is not healthy for a minister to publicly offend another minister. This alone it appeases the government and it is bad for Brazil, ”he wrote on the same social network.
The Minister of the Environment referred to Ramos when sharing a note from the newspaper “O Globo”. The text of the note said that Salles “stretched the rope” with the military wing of the government – of which Ramos, a reserve general, is part – when he complained about the lack of resources for the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources Renewables (IBAMA). ).
“Minister Luiz Ramos, I did not stretch the rope with anyone. I have enormous respect and appreciation for the military institution. I act as I understand it correct. Enough with this position #mariafofoca “, wrote Salles in a social network.
The article in the newspaper “O Globo” said that Salles decided to “try the armor” that Bolsonaro gave him when he publicly complained about the government itself.
On Thursday (22), Ibama, dependent on the Salles ministry, stopped the activities of the brigadistas alleging lack of resources. On Friday (23), the Ministry of Economy announced that it would reallocate R $ 30 million to Ibama and R $ 30 million to the Chico Mendes Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ICMBio). With that, Ibama determined the return of the brigadistas.
Salles had already complained about the lack of money for Ibama. On August 28, the Ministry of the Environment announced in a note that it would suspend all operations to combat illegal deforestation in the Amazon and burning in the Pantanal due to a financial blockade determined by the Federal Budget Secretariat, of the Ministry of Economy in funds of Ibama and ICMBio.
Ibama determines the return of the brigadistas to the field after the release of funds
Pro-Ramos demonstrations
In addition to Rodrigo Maia, Minister Ramos received the support of the government leader in the Chamber, Deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), and Senator Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI), leader of the Progressive Party in the Senate, and also national president of the broken.
“Progressistas express their full support for the work of the Chief Minister of the Government Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Luiz Eduardo Ramos. His performance has been fundamental for the construction and stability of a solid base in the National Congress,” said Saturday Ciro Nogueiro in a speech. social network.
For the deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), Ramos is “ensuring governability.”
“Minister Ramos is competent in political articulation. Yesterday, in a solemnity at the Planalto Palace, we discussed the issue of articulation with President Bolsonaro. Interwoven with government leaders and parties in the Chamber and Senate, Ramos is ensuring governability, “he declared. Barros in a social network on Friday (23).
See the recent controversies over the Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles
Pro-Salles Demonstrations
Ricardo Salles, in turn, was supported by parliamentarians who are part of the so-called “ideological wing” that supports the government of President Jair Bolsonaro.
Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) shared the publication of the Minister of the Environment and made a comment praising Salles.
“Strength, minister. Brazil is with you and supporting your work,” wrote the son of President Jair Bolsonaro on a social network.
Congresswoman Bia Kicis said that “gossip” against Salles “will fall into the void.”
“I know Minister Ricardo Salles and I attest to his integrity and loyalty to President Jair Bolsonaro. The gossip against him will fall into the void. #SomoTodosSalles,” Deputy Bia Kicis (PSL-DF) said on Friday (23) in a network Social.
The Environment Minister also received the support of the deputies Caroline de Toni (PSL-SC) and Carla Zambelli (PSL-SP).
“We know and we are witnesses of your correct daily position, Minister Ricardo Salles”, wrote Caroline de Toni.
“I am with you, Minister Ricardo Salles. What a Maria Fifi thing!” Zambelli said.