Maurício Vargas, founder of Reclame Aqui, victim of Covid-19, dies




Legend: Maurício Vargas created Claim Here after facing problems with an airline

The businessman and founder of the Reclame Aqui platform, Maurício Vargas, died last night (2), at the age of 58, a victim of the coronavirus. He had been hospitalized for more than a week at the São Luiz Hospital, in São Paulo, due to the worsening of the Covid-19 condition.

Founded in 2001, the Reclame Aqui website has become a benchmark in check services provided by companies. Created after Vargas unsuccessfully sought the Customer Service When he had problems with an airline that resulted in a loss of business, he built what is now authority on supplier-consumer mediation.

According to the platform, the founder believed that companies should “understand and listen consumertherefore, it is part of the sales process and the growth of the brand ”.

On Twitter, some companies, such as Luiza Stores, published messages of solidarity.

Vargas leaves behind two children, his parents and his brother.

He follows note claim here:

The family deeply regrets the death of dear Mauricio Vargas. He was hospitalized in São Paulo for the treatment of COVID-19. In 2001, the entrepreneur founded Reclame HERE, the nation’s largest business reputation and complaints website. Mauricio was born in Campo Grande (MS), he was 58 years old and leaves behind his parents, brothers, wife and two children.

One of Mauricio’s main slogans, printed on the walls of Reclame Aqui, said that “it makes no sense to accumulate wealth, the important thing is to have a business that changes people’s lives”. And this is the great legacy he leaves for his family and for the 200 Reclame HERE employees who now carry these words.

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