Masseur bought ‘spawning kit’ in attempt to get rid of traces of crime, says boss


After stabbing the cartoonist Marco Antônio Rosa Borges, and then with the help of one of his 21-year-old sons, cutting the body at his home in Monte Castelo in Campo Grande, the masseuse Clarice Silvestre de Azevedo would have gone to buy a ‘kit of spawning ”, black plastic bags, bleach, gloves and scissors to be able to pack the victim’s remains for transport and spawning to a house in Jardim Tarumã.

The bleach bought by the masseuse was to clean the blood that remained in the house after the dismemberment and also to clean parts of the body that would be placed in the bags and then in the three suitcases, which were taken to the house of the son who lives in the Tarumã Garden.

According to delegate Carlos Delano of the DEH (Specialized Homicide Police), the masseur’s son would have taken one of the suitcases to the house that they believed was abandoned. The mother would have stayed in the street taking care of the movement when the son carried the body. They spent about 9 hours with the cartoonist’s body before spawning.

Also according to Delano, the app driver who was called to do the Monte Castelo to Tarumã race did not know what was in the bags. His cell phone was inspected to see if there was any trace of what he might know about the crime.

The masseuse was sorry, according to the boss. She will be charged with serious murder for shameful motives, concealment of a body and defamation. According to her in her testimony, she would have been nervous because of the slap she received in the face of the cartoonist and pushed him down the stairs. Then with a kitchen knife she stabbed him in the back and chest, focusing on his side until he died.

He claimed that he had been with Marco Antônio for months, but that he never took over. On Friday night, she reportedly saw a photo of him with another woman in a public place, a fact that made her uncomfortable. On Saturday morning, when the man was last seen, he went home for a massage session, as he used to do.

However, after the procedure, he went upstairs to bathe. Clarice then went after him and approached him, pleased by the photo he had posted. There was an argument, an opportunity when the woman pushed him, causing him to fall down the stairs.

The woman allegedly claimed that Marco Antônio was jealous and had already argued with her about the sensual massages he was giving him. He was allegedly jealous and asked her not to provide this service. She is detained and her 21-year-old son, who helped cut and burn the body, found Tuesday in Jardim Tarumã, responds freely.

Masseur bought a 'spawning kit' in an attempt to get rid of traces of the crime, says boss