Maranhão registers 330 deaths from the new coronavirus, and the number of confirmed cases reaches 5,909


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The number of patients cured of the new coronavirus in Maranhão increases to 1,534

Coronavirus has reached 137 municipalities in Maranhão, reports the SES bulletin

According to the SES report, 18 of the last 25 deaths from the new coronavirus in Maranhão were registered in São Luís, 10 men and eight women. Furthermore, the cities of São José de Ribamar (2), Pinheiro (2), Paço do Lumiar, Imperatriz and Anajatuba also had recent victims of Covid-19.

Evolution of coronavirus cases in Maranhão. (Photo: Disclosure / SES)

SES also reported that 137 municipalities in Maranhão have already had confirmed cases of coronavirus. São Luís has the highest number of patients infected with Covid-19, with 3,745 cases, followed by Imperatriz (305), São José de Ribamar (284), Paço do Lumiar (159), Pinheiro (77), Santa Rita (67) , Bacabal (66), Chapadinha (62), Santa Inês (46), Caxias (39), Açailândia (38), Codó (35), Timon (35), Matinha (33), São Mateus do Maranhão (32), Balsas (29), Coelho Neto (28), Pedreiras (26), Trizidela do Vale (25), Anajatuba (22), Bacabeira (22), Rosário (22), Viana (22), Arari (20), Presidente Dutra (20), Raposa (20), Santa Helena (20), Alto Alegre do Pindaré (18), Colinas (17), Itapecuru Mirim (17), Vitória do Mearim (17), Estreito (16), Lago da Pedra ( 16), President Juscelino (16), Turilândia (16), Zé Doca (16), Barreirinhas (15), Coroatá (15), Morros (15), Itinga do Maranhão (11), Tutóia (11), Lima Campos ( 10), São João do Caru (10), Turiaçu (10), Vargem Grande (10), Alto Alegre do Maranhão (9), Amarante do Maranhão (9), Barra do Corda (9), Buriti (9), Buriticu pu (9), Carutapera (9), Cururupu (9), João Lisboa (9), Urbano Santos (9), Bequimão (8), Humberto de Campos (8), Igarapé do Meio (8), Junco do Maranhão ( 8), Santa Quitéria do Maranhão (8), Bela Vista do Maranhão (7), Magalhães de Almeida (7), Maracaçumé (7), Mata Roma (7), Monção (7), São Benedito do Rio Preto (7) , São João Batista (7), Senator La Rocque (7), Anapurus (6), Brejo (6), Pirapemas (6), Apicum-Açu (5), Buritirana (5), Cachoeira Grande (5), Cajari ( 5), Governor Edison Lobão (5), Mirinzal (5), Porto Franco (5), Vitorino Freire (5), Axixá (4), Cândido Mendes (4), Cantanhede (4), Davinópolis (4), Luis Domingues (4)), Milagros de Maranhão (4), Miranda do Norte (4), Pindaré Mirim (4), Pio XII (4), Araguanã (3), Bom Jardim (3), Centro Novo do Maranhão (3), Grajaú (3)), Penalva (3), Peri Mirim (3), Presidente Vargas (3), Santa Luzia do Paruá (3), Sítio Novo (3), Amapá do Maranhão (2), Conceição do Lago Açu (2 ), Fortaleza dos Nueces (2), governs dor Nune s Freire (2), Olho d’Água das Cunhãs (2), Peritoró (2), Puerto Rico do Maranhão (2), Presidente Sarney (2), Santa Luzia (2), São Bento (2), São João dos Patos (2), São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão (2), Tuntum (2), Água Doce do Maranhão (1), Alcântara (1), Aldeias Altas (1), Altamira do Maranhão (1), Arame (1 ), Bom Jesus das Selvas (1), Bom Lugar (1), Cajapió (1), Duque Bacelar (1), Esperantinópolis (1), Fernando Falcão (1), Governor Newton Bello (1), Guimarães (1), Icatu (1), Joselândia (1), Lago dos Rodrigues (1), Montes Altos (1), Nova Olinda do Maranhão (1), Olinda Nova do Maranhão (1), Palmeirândia (1), Paulino Neves (1), Pedro do Rosário (1), Presidente Médici (1), Riachão (1), São Pedro da Água Branca (1), São Vicente Ferrer (1), Satubinha (1) and Serrano do Maranhão (1).

Number of coronavirus cases in Maranhão by age group. (Photo: Disclosure / SES)

The SES bulletin also announced that the number of patients cured of the new coronavirus in Maranhão increased to 1,534, and that 95 people infected with Covid-19 had been discharged in the last 24 hours. These people confirmed their recovery and were released according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, since they spent 14 isolated days, counting from the date of onset of symptoms, and remain asymptomatic.

know more: The web platform wants to map the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil

Furthermore, the list of patients infected with coronavirus in Maranhão was updated in the SES report. Among the 5,909 confirmed cases, there are 330 deaths, 264 ICU admissions (203 in the public network and 61 in the private network), 580 hospital admissions, 1,534 recovered patients and 3,201 people in isolation. The teams from the Strategic Health Surveillance Information Center (CIEVS) monitor patients who tested positive for Covid-19.

Table of patients infected with coronavirus in Maranhão. (Photo: Disclosure / SES)

Since the beginning of the monitoring, SES has analyzed 20,121 cases of possible infection with the new coronavirus and carried out 12,579 diagnostic tests in Maranhão. There are 5,909 confirmed cases, with 330 deaths and 1,534 recoveries, 7,673 suspected cases and 6,539 cases discarded. The methodology of the Ministry of Health counts deaths and cured patients among the confirmed cases in Covid-19.

People who show symptoms of the new coronavirus in São Luís can go to the Diamond Polyclinic Testing Center and to the Emergency Care Units (UPA) of Vinhais, Itaqui-Bacanga, Cidade Operária and Araçagy. Health and public safety professionals are being attended exclusively at Viva da Beira-Mar. For the population of the interior of Maranhão, regional hospitals continue to collect for exams.
