PORTO ALEGRE – The candidate Manuela D’Ávila (PCdoB) opened a 13-point advantage for the runner-up and continues to lead the electoral race by Porto Alegre, with 27% voting intentions, according to the second Ibope research, premiered on the night of this Thursday 29. In the second round of screenings, Manuela also wins the main candidates.
Then the mayor appears tied Nelson Marchezan Junior (PSDB), which is running for re-election and is the target of an impeachment process, and Sebastião Melo (MDB) with 14%, followed by José Fortunati (PTB), with 13%. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. Therefore, the three candidates are technically tied.
They are followed by Juliana Brizola (PDT) with 4% of the voting intentions, João Derly (Republicans) and Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL) with 3% and Valter Nagelstein (PSD) with 2%. The candidates Gustavo Paim (PP), Julio Flores (PSTU) and Rodrigo Maroni (PROS) received 1%. Luiz Delvair (PCO), Montserrat Martins (PV) did not score.
In the first Ibope poll, published on October 5, Manuela led the electoral race with 24% voting intentions compared to 9% for Marchezan. Now, in this poll, 8% of respondents expressed voiding or voting blank. The percentage of undecided or who did not answer was 8%.
The survey was commissioned by Grupo RBS, a subsidiary of Rede Globo. The survey was registered with the Electoral Tribunal: RS – 06638/2020. In total, 805 people were interviewed between October 27 and 29. The estimated confidence level is 95%.