Mandetta fears coronavirus variant will cause mega-epidemic


The former Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, said, in an interview with TV Cultura, that the new variant of the coronavirus detected for the first time in Manaus could trigger a mega-epidemic in Brazil in 60 days.

In Mandetta’s opinion, the transfer of patients from the capital of Amazonas to other states and the lack of control can “plant” the new strain throughout the Brazilian territory, aggravating the situation of the pandemic in Brazil. There is evidence that the variant increases the transmissibility of the virus.

“The fifth crisis (we are facing) is this story of this strain, of this variant in Manaus, that the whole world is closing flights to Brazil and Brazil is not only open normally, but is also taking a patient out of Manaus and sending it to Goiás, sending it to Bahia, sending it to other places without making the biosecurity blocks, “he said.

“We will probably plant this strain in all the territories of the federation and in 60 days we could have a mega epidemic,” he added.

The other four crises that Brazil faced during the pandemic pointed out by Mandetta in the interview were the following

  • the sabotage of President Jair Bolsonaro to the prevention system
  • defending the use of chloroquine that “contaminated the treatment policy”
  • small test range
  • Bolsonaro’s discouraging speech to the vaccine

The Brazilian strain is linked to Manaus, a city that is experiencing a collapse of the health system due to the explosion of cases. It was first identified on January 9, in travelers who arrived in Japan after passing through the capital of Amazonas.

The strain has already been registered in the city of São Paulo and in several countries, such as Italy, the United States, Germany and Japan. Several countries, such as Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States, have restricted the entry of Brazilians. .

In addition to this strain, there are two other variants that are of concern for signs of greater transmissibility: the British and the South African. The first has already been detected in 70 countries and the second is present in at least 31 nations, according to WHO data.
