Man skating on speedometer falls on frozen canal in Holland; watch video | World


A skater in a bathing suit falls into a frozen lake in the Netherlands: see images
A skater in a bathing suit falls into a frozen lake in the Netherlands: see images

1 minute A skater in a bathing suit falls into a frozen lake in the Netherlands: see images

A skater in a bathing suit falls into a frozen lake in the Netherlands: see images

In the Dutch capital, many people practice ice skating, but many end up having accidents and falling into the icy waters. It was the case of a man, only in a bathing suit, who fell into the cold water and came out to applaud.

A cold snap that hit the Netherlands this week froze the country’s lakes and canals. As usual, people went skating and playing on the ice, but practice can lead to accidents: A man skating dressed only in a bathing suit was filmed falling into icy water in Amsterdam. See the VIDEO above.

GIF: skater falls on ice in Amsterdam, Holland – Photo: GloboNews

So the Dutch authorities ask people to be careful when playing in the icy waters. This is because the ice layer is usually very thin and can sag under pressure. There is a risk of drowning and hypothermia if the person is not rescued in time.

In just a swimsuit, a man skates on a frozen canal in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, on Sunday (14) – Photo: Sharon O’Dea via Reuters

However, the man filmed falling on the ice had no major problems getting out of the ice. After falling, he balanced on a rope and then swam to shore.

Speed ​​skating on ice is one of the national sports of the Netherlands, the country with the highest number of medals in the modality at the Winter Olympics.

The cold wave in the Netherlands should pass from this Tuesday (16), when temperatures again exceed 0ºC most of the time. Rain, but no snow, is expected for the next few days.

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