Maia Says Trump’s Visit to RR ‘Affronts’ Brazilian Foreign Policy Tradition | Politics


For the deputy, the presence of Pompeo in the place on the eve of the presidential elections in the United States does not “square with good international diplomatic practice” and threatens Brazilian foreign and defense policy. During the visit, Pompeo said that the United States “will remove” Nicolás Maduro from the presidency of Venezuela.

“The visit of the secretary […], with only 46 days remaining until the US presidential elections, it is not in accordance with good international diplomatic practice and goes against the traditions of autonomy and pride in our foreign and defense policies, ”Maia said in a note.

The deputy added that, as president of the Chamber, he felt the “obligation” to highlight that the Federal Constitution establishes that Brazil guides its international relations based on the principles of independence, self-determination of the peoples, non-intervention and defense. of peace.

“The Baron of Rio Branco left us a legacy of stability in our borders and peaceful and respectful coexistence with our neighbors in South America. This heritage must be preserved with zeal and attention, since it constitutes one of the pillars of national sovereignty. and the pillar of our defense policy, ”Rodrigo Maia stated in the document.

Meeting with Venezuelans

In Roraima, the Secretary of the Government Donald Trump met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, to, according to the United States Embassy, ​​discuss Venezuelan immigration. The meeting would be part of an agenda of meetings with Latin American leaders.

In the capital, Boa Vista, Pompeo caused agglomeration during a visit to the Operation Reception Control and Identification Post.

He also met a family of Venezuelans who live in a place destined for immigrants.

Operation Welcome is a humanitarian work group that coordinates shelters and internalization processes for Venezuelans entering Brazil through Roraima. The work has been carried out since March 2018 by the Army, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations and the Federal Police.

Read the full note from Rodrigo Maia:

The visit of the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, this Friday, to the facilities of Operation Welcome, in Roraima, near the border with Venezuela, at a time when there are only 46 days left until the US presidential elections, is consistent with good international diplomatic practice and challenges the traditions of autonomy and pride in our foreign and defense policies.

As President of the Chamber of Deputies, I find myself under the obligation to reiterate the provisions of Article 4 of the Federal Constitution, which lists the principles by which Brazil must guide its international relations. In particular, the principles of: (I) national independence; (III) self-determination of the peoples; (IV) no intervention; and (V) defense of peace.

Patron of Brazilian diplomacy, the Baron of Rio Branco left us a legacy of stability in our borders and peaceful and respectful coexistence with our neighbors in South America. Such heritage must be preserved with zeal and care, as it is one of the pillars of national sovereignty and the pillar of our defense policy.

President of the Chamber of Deputies

Mike Pompeo says that Brazil will not have special treatment to enter the United States.

Mike Pompeo says that Brazil will not have special treatment to enter the United States.
