Maia Denies Extending Calamity, Says ‘Creative Ideas Generate Economic Disasters’ | Politics


The decree that recognizes the state of calamity authorized the Union not to comply with the fiscal goal set for this year and increase public spending to finance actions to face the crisis generated by the pandemic.

This state of calamity has an end date: December 31, 2020, but a part of Congress has been defending the extension of the decree until the beginning of 2021 as a way out to allow an increase in expenses next year. This would make possible a further extension of government-paid emergency aid for informal workers and the creation of Renda Cidadã, a program that would replace Bolsa Família.

Analysis: the end of emergency aid and the future of Citizen Income

Analysis: the end of emergency aid and the future of Citizen Income

Maia, who took part in an online event promoted by a brokerage firm, said that extending this state of calamity would give investors “a very bad sign” about the country’s commitment to fiscal responsibility.

“Extending the calamity, in theory, will generate the extension of the PEC da Guerra and, automatically, extending the PEC da Guerra will send a bad signal to those who trust and need the credibility of the fiscal anchor to continue investing or reinvesting in this. country, “said the mayor.

“We have already seen that creative ideas generate economic disasters and impact the lives of Brazilian families,” he added.

Maia also claimed that there is no possibility of emergency aid being extended.

“The pandemic and the structure that was built to confront it has an end date, which is December 31, 2020. Anything that changes this rule will have a huge impact on economic indicators that will affect the lives of Brazilians much more. of one, two or three months of minimum rent ”, he said.

According to the mayor, the extension of the aid or the creation of a new income distribution program may generate an increase in popularity in the short term, but this is not sustained in the long term.

“The short term may be good, but the medium and long term … We still have half of that government and, if that happens, the government will pay the bill with its popularity.”

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