Maia apologizes to Guedes and talks about speeding up reforms and regulatory ceiling


The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), acknowledged having been “rude” with the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, in recent weeks. Maia thanked the support received during the 2018 elections and apologized to Guedes, reinforcing the need to accelerate reforms and regulate the spending ceiling.

Both participated in a dinner at the home of the Minister of the TCU (Federal Court of Accounts), Bruno Dantas, organized precisely to try to reconnect Maia and Guedes. The president of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), also participated, and the three spoke with journalists tonight, in a climate of reconciliation between the Ministry of Economy and Congress.

“In my last election, the only person in government [Jair] Bolsonaro, who explicitly supported me, even without saying it, was Minister Paulo Guedes. Unfortunately, in the months after Social Security, due to differences, errors … We walked away. I leave my apology here, I was impolite and rude. It’s not like me, “said the deputy in an interview with journalists.

The mayor also described the country’s fiscal situation as “dramatic” and praised the importance of the union between the Executive and the Legislature to discuss a new income transfer program, which will replace Bolsa Família.

“We were not chosen just to wait for time to pass, we were chosen to take responsibility,” Maia said. “The reform agenda cannot be stopped, regardless of the municipal elections. The spending ceiling is the first of our urgencies, because with the spending ceiling regulation, we resolve the issue. [novo] social program. “

The deputy also mentioned the need for modernization of the State and the construction of a social program that respects the spending ceiling to “be able to support millions of families who will need the Brazilian State as of January 1, 2021,” when the government does not pay for emergency aid.

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Alcolumbre celebrated the rapprochement between the Executive and the Legislative and, more specifically, Guedes and Maia. The senator guaranteed that the relationship is now one of “harmony” and spoke of taking responsibility for the Brazilian population.

“That gesture Putting together an agenda -that is conciliatory- was essential so that we could turn the page starting tomorrow. This meeting today marks a new beginning of this relationship, with frankness, honesty and with differences, which are natural in public life ”, he minimized.

The last to speak, Paulo Guedes, also apologized to Maia and stressed that Brazil’s interests are “above any difference.” He also praised the mayor’s role in passing the pension reform last year.

“If I have offended President Rodrigo Maia or any politician whom I have inadvertently offended, I also apologize. There are no problems. Sometimes I give some generic examples, and sometimes I may be offending someone. [Mas] I always try to apologize and clarify, “said the minister, adding that, for his part,” there were never personal differences. “
