Madonna says she tested positive for Covid-19


The singer Madonna published on her social networks on Thursday (30) a video indicating that she tested the new coronavirus and tested positive for the antibody test.

“I did the test the other day and found I have the antibodies. So tomorrow I’m going to take a long walk, open the window and breathe, breathe the air from Covid-19. Yes. I hope the sun shines, “he said on his Instagram.

However, the singer did not reveal if she had symptoms of the disease. The presence of antibodies in the blood means that she contracted Covid and was cured. However, this does not mean that the person is immune.

The recording is part of the video series in which he records a “Quarantine Diary.” On April 9, he revealed that three friends had died in the past 24 hours.

At the start of the pandemic, Madonna posted a controversial video that said the virus will kill the rich and poor alike. “It is the great equalizer, and that makes it so terrible and brilliant at the same time,” he recited.
