Maciel Says He Banned Abin’s Illegal Access To IRS Data


Maciel Says He Banned Abin's Illegal Access To IRS Data

Photo: Adriano Machado / Crusoé

Former Finance Secretary Everardo Maciel told Jornal Nacional that he was responsible in 1998 for creating rules that prevented Abin’s illegal access to sensitive tax information.

“Before instituting rules on access to sensitive information, organizations like Abin obtained data illegally”Maciel said.

According to Época, Maciel is cited in a report prepared by Abin to instruct the defense of Flávio Bolsonaro to annul the crack investigation.

The document orders the lawyers to obtain a special investigation within the Treasury to verify the allegedly unmotivated access to the senator’s data that, according to the defense, would be irregular.

In one of the excerpts, the report attributes to Maciel rules that would make this access difficult.

“The difficulty of obtaining the special investigation (Tostes) and directly in Serpro is unreasonable because the mentioned rule is internal to the RFB at the time of the person responsible for installing the current criminal structure – Everardo Maciel”says the report, according to the magazine.

José Tostes Neto is the current head of the Treasury. Maciel ran the agency between 1995 and 2002.
