look what happens on monday


Curitiba returned to the orange flag against covid-19. (André Rodrigues / FramePhoto / Folhapress)

A orange flag, which means medium risk in the coronavirus, was adopted again in Curitiba this Friday (4), according to the indicators of the SMS (Municipal Secretariat of Health). The new decree comes into force as of next Monday (7) and determines new restrictions to some sectors.

The main changes are in relation to the bars, which will have suspended activities. In addition, the city will be quarantined on Sundays, which means markets and shopping centers are expected to close.

According to the bulletin this Friday (4), Curitiba registered 495 more cases and 12 deaths. With that, the capital of Paraná adds 34,812 cases me 1,051 deaths. 29,185 of those infected are already considered recovered and 596 cases are still under investigation. 81% of ICU (Intensive Care Units) beds are occupied.

“Our role as citizen protection is to act. There are nine indicators, which showed an increase in the number of cases, a small increase in hospitalizations and our transmission rate, when we switched to the yellow flag it was a yellow almost orange, but it was the cut-off point. As yellow is yellow. It was orange and orange, ”Secretary Márcia Huçulak said at a press conference.

“Another factor that also affected us is the panel we monitor, and that scared us a lot, is the increase in demand in the UPAs (Emergency Care Units). We have an increase on Mondays, about 20%, this is natural. This week we had the second one and it stayed the whole week. Respiratory conditions returned to the level of July, when we had up to 100 people a day with respiratory conditions that are under observation. This alerted us, ”Huçulak added.

According to her, 30% of pollution is caused by crowds and that is why bars were identified as the places that favor this situation. There were several records of agglomerations in the last weekend and it is feared that this will return on the feast of the Independence of Brazil and the patron saint of Curitiba, held early next week. In addition, the Department of Health identified that there are several cases of transmission in family gatherings, such as the birthday of the elderly.



  • The provision of non-essential services (such as beauty salons, hair salons, gyms and bathrooms, grooming and grooming of pets) is not restricted, but cannot be open on Sundays.

“We follow gyms a lot and their protocols are very well defined. There are few people, with distance. We have been learning. This disease did not come with a manual or protocol. We already realized that when we launched the gym, we did not identify situations. There are few people going and they have followed strict protocols ”, said the municipal secretary of Health, Márcia Huçulak.


  • discontinued. They may not function as entertainment activities with or without music (concert halls, parties, theaters, circuses and related activities), occasional or periodic, as well as establishments for social events and related activities, in addition to those intended for technical or commercial fairs. , fairs, congresses, conventions and others.


  • Non-essential street shopping activities, galleries and shopping malls may be open Monday through Saturday from 10am to 8pm. Sundays, delivery only.
  • Shopping centers are open from Monday to Saturday, from 12 to 22 hours. Sundays, delivery only.


  • The restaurants and bars are open from Monday to Saturday, until 11:00 p.m. After that time and on Sundays, only delivery and drive-thru.
  • Markets, supermarkets and hypermarkets: Monday to Saturday, without time restrictions. On Sundays they cannot operate in any type of service.
  • Bakeries can be open from Monday to Saturday, until 11 pm, and on Sundays, from 6 am to 6 pm, but consumption on site is prohibited.


  • Free and craft fairs are open Monday through Saturday.
  • Trade in animal products and food: Monday to Saturday, without time restrictions, on Sundays delivery and drive-thru services are allowed;
  • Retail trade of vegetables, greengrocers, groceries, beverage distributors, fishmongers and butchers: Monday to Saturday, without time restrictions, closed on Sundays;
  • Building materials warehouses (essential service): open from Monday to Saturday, without time restrictions. On Sundays they can operate in delivery and drive-thru modes;
  • Vehicle dealers in general: Monday to Saturday, without time restrictions, closed on Sundays;
  • The operation of parks and squares is subject to compliance with a specific protocol, as determined by the Municipal Environmental Directorate. In open parks, individual physical activities are allowed, with the use of masks and a minimum distance from the person in front of 4 (four) meters to walk, 10 (ten) meters to run and 20 (twenty) meters to walk . bicycle. The parks that are open are: Tingui, Barigui, Barreirinha, Tropeiros, Guairacá, Mairi, Cambuí, Mané Guarrincha, Yberê, Lago Azul, Atuba, Passaúna, Tanguá, Bacacheri, São Lourenço and Náutico.


  • They must operate at a maximum of 50% of their capacity.
  • Callcenter and telemarketing must operate from 9 am (except those linked to health services or home-office, which can operate with normal capacity);


The flag system was developed by SMS at the beginning of the pandemic. Colors yellow (alert), orange (medium risk) me red (high risk) They are represented by notes 1, 2 and 3, rate values ​​calculated using nine indicators. Six of them assess the level of spread of the disease. me three monitor the response capacity of the health systemand the city.

On June 13, the Secretariat announced that the alert went up to the orange flag. This lasted until August 18, when the decree took effect. 1080 which determined the yellow flag. That day, Curitiba had 818 deaths and 27,657 cases of coronavirus.
