Live, the attitude of Bonner and Renata in the JN bank is accused: “Is that it?”


Renata Vasconcellos, William Bonner
Renata Vasconcellos and William Bonner at the helm of Jornal Nacional (Photo: Playback / TV Globo)

The presenter William Bonner and the presenter Renata Vasconcellos managed to leave the audience with their mouths open when the news closed

This Monday 4 William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos They close the national newspaper in a very unexpected way. Once again, the main Globo news focused on the coronavirus.

At the end of the newscast, as the credits increased, the two were filmed in protective masks, of which many people had complained, that they could not see them both using it. The attitude, of course, caught the eye.

Especially on Twitter, where the Globo team is still more active, there was no shortage of comments on the attitude of Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos. “Is that it? I didn’t expect it, but it’s good that people feel influenced,” said one.

“I’m sure they did it to get attention. After they were criticized, they did it to appear, “he criticized another person. “I thought it was forced, but I will not criticize because it is good that people feel influenced by this type of attitude,” said a third.

Previously, the two presenters were criticized by viewers, primarily among Jair Bolsonaro voters. This is because, according to them, professionals are promoting a “collective hysteria” about the coronavirus, promoting false information, despite all the scientific evidence published by health agencies.

William Bonner, Renata Vasconcellos
Anchors, William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos, with masks at the end of Jornal Nacional (Photo: Playback / TV Globo)

William Bonner is teased live by Rodrigo Maia

During a press conference, which was broadcast live by Globo, Rodrigo Maia, president of the Chamber of Deputies, was appointed to remove the mask at the event. It was then that he said goodbye to the event and made sure to provoke the presenter. “You saw that I took off my mask. I’m going to throw this away, I’m going to get another mask under the guidance of Dr. William Bonner, ”joked the politician, creating a huge impact.
