Lewandowski orders Bolsonaro coronavirus test results to be published | Politics


Minister Ricardo Lewandowski of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided this Wednesday (13) to make public the results of tests by President Jair Bolsonaro for covid-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus.

The results collected by the AGU are negative for Covid-19.

“I determine the addition to electronic records of all reports and documents delivered by the Union to my office, which will receive wide publicity,” the minister said in the decision.

The disclosure of the exams comes after the request of the newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo”, which joined the STF on Monday (11) to suspend the determination of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), which, last Friday (8)), revoked the decisions favorable to the disclosure of the exams issued by the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region (TRF-3) and by the Federal Court of São Paulo.

In his decision, the president of the STJ (Superior Court of Justice), João Otávio Noronha, responded to an appeal from the Office of the Attorney General that alleged that, despite the fact that it is information about a public agent, it cannot be dismissed completely. rights to the intimacy and privacy of the holder of public office.

STJ annuls the decisions that forced Bolsonaro to deliver test results to Covid-19

STJ annuls the decisions that forced Bolsonaro to deliver test results to Covid-19

The examination reports were released by the AGU to the Supreme Court on Tuesday night. Lewandowski still had determine if the newspaper will have access to the exams or not.

Bolsonaro tested for the covid-19 and has said it was negative. The President, however, had refused to show the exams.

Days before the latest STJ decision, the newspaper gained access to the reports in court. Initially, federal judge Ana Lúcia Petri Betto, of the 14th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo, considered that Bolsonaro’s medical report presented by the AGU “did not fully comply with the judicial determination” to deliver the president’s examination reports to Covid -19.

The São Paulo Federal Court ordered last week that the government deliver the exams within 48 hours.

The government appealed to the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region to revoke the order. On Wednesday (6), Judge André Nabarrete decided to maintain Bolsonaro’s obligation to deliver “the reports of all the exams.”

Nabarrete determined that the order should be carried out with the delivery of the exams, and not with medical reports, as AGU initially did.

The judge said that, given the importance of his position for all Brazilians and the consequences that personal contacts can cause, it is in the public interest that citizens learn about the President’s medical conditions.
