Actress Leticia Spiller used Instagram to clarify an interview she gave yesterday about Marcius Melhem being the target of complaints of harassment on Rede Globo. The actress said that she became a “martyr of the situation”, and that she knows him as a “dear” and “good-hearted” person.
Leticia reinforces that at no time did she support someone who commits acts of harassment and she apologized. “I would never attack Dani Calabresa. I would never question his reports, what happened. If, for any moment, I left that impression, I need to apologize! And I am here to apologize. Apologies to the audience that accompanies me, my co-workers.” , to women, to people who have been through cases of abuse or harassment. Apologies to Dani and everyone involved in this particular case. I need to express myself here in a way that clarifies my position on this issue. that’s what I’m doing right now. “
In the interview, Leticia also criticized the “delay” of the victims to speak on the subject. On Instagram, the actress justified that “she said how she thought she was going to behave.” “But each one has their reasons and their time to remain silent or report. And that does not – or should not – blame the aggressor,” he wrote.
She also said that she met Marcius as a teenager and was the person she described as “dear.” “We haven’t had contact for years. Just as many people were shocked by these reports, because it turns their stomachs, so am I. And I hope everyone does too, because they are situations of great suffering for the victims. it only reinforces a harsh reality. What we hear most is that the aggressor has no face, no label. That person by your side, kind and polite, with a wide smile and good conversation, may be the person who is turning someone’s life into hell. For this reason, the victims also feel cornered and fear filing a complaint. More than ever, whoever is on the outside needs to fight and create a support network so that the victims will strengthen themselves, take courage. I affirm and reiterate ”.
At the beginning of December, an article in the magazine Piauí presents 43 reports from sources that accuse Marcius Melhem of starring in episodes of sexual harassment, one of them against the comedian Dani Calabresa. In an exclusive interview with UOL, Melhem reported that they will appeal to Dani Calabresa, asking him to confirm or deny the allegations of harassment he has suffered.