Leonardo Nathan Chaves Martins was sentenced to 12 years in prison, in a closed regime, for the crime of qualified homicide against the young Gabriella Custódio Silva, in Joinville. The young woman was 20 years old when she was murdered, on July 23, 2019, at the home of Leonardo’s parents in Pirabeiraba, in the north of the city.
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Leonardo was accused of double qualified homicide (femicide and for making it difficult to defend the victim) and procedural fraud. The seven jurors, after almost 11 hours of trial, decided that he was guilty of the crime, but they did not accept the qualification of femicide, which would increase Leonardo’s sentence. For this reason, he received the minimum penalty for intentional homicide (in which there is intention to kill), with the qualification of making it difficult to defend the victim.
> “I’m waiting to arrive, all happy”, says Gabriella Custódio Silva’s father
In the morning, four witnesses were heard (one appointed by the Public Ministry and the other three by the defense) and also the accused Leonardo. In order, the first to speak was prosecutor Ricardo Paladino, from the Public Ministry, who presented videos of testimonies from the investigating audience, showed scenes of the arrival of the girl carried on her lap to Bethesda Hospital. The prosecutor spoke of the alleged cell stash and the weapon of the episode to clarify details of the case.
Defense attorneys argued that the firing of the weapon was accidental, that is, without the intention of killing him. After the two explanations, the answer and the rejoinder also took place.
The sentencing session was chaired by Judge Gustavo Henrique Aracheski, head of the Court of the Joinville District Jury Court. He worked with prosecutor Ricardo Paladino, with prosecutors Marco Aurélio Marcucci and Israel Patrício. The defendant’s defense attorneys were: Pedro Wellington Alves da Silva, Jonathan Moreira dos Santos, Deise Kohler and Antonio Luiz Lavarda.
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