Leite announces the full payment of the civil servants’ salary on the 30th


The governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, announced earlier this Friday that the administration will promptly pay the November salaries of all public servants as of next Monday 30, after 57 months of payment in installments. . Milk, however, did not guarantee the same measure for the following months. The payment will be evaluated monthly.

During the live, Leite stressed that the news is important and positive. “The systematic delay was a symbol of the mismatch in the accounts of Rio Grande do Sul. We made a great effort, with unpleasant measures, deep reforms, we made the cost of the State contingent. We are making this news possible,” he said. “There is no guarantee here that there will be no more delays due to an uncertain economic situation, but it is an important act, the result of the effort of a year and ten months of management,” he added.

Leite warned that the State is still experiencing a cloudy climate in relation to 2021. “Precisely because of the pandemic and the impact it causes on the economy. We have uncertainty about the government’s income for next year, since the ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services), increased in 2015, expires at the end of 2020. The Legislative Assembly must make the decision on the tax reform that affects our ability to comply with our commitments, ”he argued.

Rio Grande do Sul Secretary of Finance, Marco Aurélio Cardoso, also participated in the announcement and pointed out that the government has not committed any other payment to guarantee the salaries of the Executive’s employees up to date. “It is a very striking result. It shows how wide the path of fiscal adjustment is and involves measures of various dimensions. We have come a long way and it should be noted that this mark is not being achieved at the cost of other delays, of leaving suppliers accumulating liabilities or with solutions. extraordinary, but they are precarious, “he added.


In September 2015, during the first year of the government of José Ivo Sartori (BMD), the Legislative Assembly approved, in a tight vote (difference of one vote) and after heated debates, the increase of the ICMS fees for a time determined: three years. The increase came into effect in 2016, valid for that year and those of 2017 and 2018. And it should have ended in 2019. With it, the basic ICMS rate was raised, applied to all operations and services provided without a specific rate. from 17% to 18%. Electricity, alcohol, gasoline and telephone rates rose from 25% to 30%.

In December 2018, at the end of the Sartori government and with Eduardo Leite (PSDB) already elected governor as of 2019, the Legislative Assembly approved a project that extended the increase in ICMS rates for another two years, that is, with valid for 2019 and 2020. Starting in 2021 they should return to the levels that were in force until the beginning of 2016.

To extend the rate increase for another two years, the governor-elect, at that time, sewed an agreement that included opposition seats, which allowed the extension to pass by a wide margin in the Legislative: 40 votes in favor and 10 in against. “Fiscal adjustment is not the sole task of the Ministry of Finance. It belongs to the entire government. There is an important collaboration of the Legislative Assembly, of our base of deputies that helped to approve important reforms, which allows us to reach this date. But obviously not everything is resolved, it is not overcome. The problems are still many in the State, “concluded Leite.

* With information from reporter Gabriel Guedes
