Learn the step-by-step to request emergency assistance. Caixa Econômica Federal announced on Tuesday (7) the registration forms available for informal workers to request emergency aid of R $ 600. Download the free application from Portal Mix Vale
Workers can order in the following ways:
According to Minister Onyx Lorenzoni, only for people who do not have access to the Internet, it will also be possible to register with Caixa or with lottery agencies. Face-to-face registration will be an exception, only as a last resort.
All errors in the emergency aid at Caixa in 2020 (opens in a new browser tab)
Who should register
The application and the website must be used by workers who are Individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), informal workers without registration and individual INSS taxpayers.
Those you already receive Bolsa Família or are enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) you do not need to register through the application or the website. Payment will be made automatically.
The aid, of R $ 600 or R $ 1,200 for single mothers, will be paid for at least three months to compensate for the loss of income resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.
See below step by step to request emergency assistance:
1. The worker must access the home page of the Caixa website (https://auxilio.caixa.gov.br/#/inicio):
Home page on the Caixa website to register for R $ 600 emergency aid – Photo: Reproduction
2. On the next page, there are the requirements to qualify for emergency help:
Page 2 of the request for emergency aid on the Caixa website – Photo: Reproduction
3. Then, the informal worker must complete data such as full name, CPF and date of birth:
Page 3 to register for the emergency assistance program on the Caixa website – Photo: Reproduction
4. Then, it is necessary to fill in the cell phone number to receive a verification code by SMS:
Page 4 to enroll in the R $ 600 emergency aid program on the Caixa website – Photo: Reproduction
5. As soon as it arrives by SMS, the verification code must be placed in the “received code” field:
Next page that the informal worker must fill out on the Caixa website to qualify for emergency assistance – Photo: Reproduction
6. The worker must report the income, the industry (the options are Agriculture and Livestock, Extraction / Fishing, Commerce, Production of goods, Provision of services, Domestic work, Others), state and city. :
Registration page for the emergency assistance program on the Caixa website – Photo: Reproduction
7. The worker must report the data of the family members who live with him:
Next page to register for the emergency assistance program on the Caixa website – Photo: Reproduction
8. The worker chooses whether he wants to receive an existing account or create digital savings:
Registration page where the worker chooses whether to receive an existing account or create digital savings – Photo: Reproduction
9. After reporting the option, the worker must provide his document (RG or CNH):
Registration page where the worker chose to create a digital savings – Photo: Reproduction
10. Then come the data provided by the worker:
Registration page to receive R $ 600 emergency aid – Photo: Reproduction
11. On the final screen, there is a warning that the emergency help request is being analyzed:
Final page for enrollment in the emergency aid program – Photo: Reproduction
1. The worker must access the application’s home page:
Home page of the Caixa application to register for R $ 600 emergency aid – Photo: Reproduction
2. On the next page, there are the requirements to qualify for emergency help:
Emergency aid request page in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
3. Then, the informal worker must complete data such as full name, CPF and date of birth:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
How to earn R $ 600 emergency aid (opens in a new browser tab)
4. Then, it is necessary to fill in the cell phone number to receive a verification code by SMS:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: reproduction
5. As soon as it arrives by SMS, the verification code must be placed in the “received code” field:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
6. The worker must report the income, the branch of activity (the options are Agriculture and Livestock, Extraction / Fishing, Commerce, Production of goods, Provision of services, Domestic work, Others), state and city:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
I cannot register for emergency assistance: what should I do? (Opens in a new browser tab)
7. The worker must report the data of the family members who live with him:
Registration page of the application for the emergency assistance program – Photo: Reproduction
8. The worker chooses whether he wants to receive an existing account or create digital savings:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
9. After reporting the option, the worker must provide the account details:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
All benefits and the 13th of the INSS in Coronavirus in 2020 (opens in a new browser tab)
10. Then come the data provided by the worker for review:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
11. More information provided by the worker for review:
Registration page for the R $ 600 emergency aid program in the Caixa application – Photo: Reproduction
At the end of the registration, the worker is informed that his request for emergency assistance has been received and that within 5 business days he must consult the result of the request on the website or the application.
Telephone to answer questions
Caixa also made available the phone 111 to answer workers’ questions about emergency aid. It will not be possible to register by phone, just ask questions. This Tuesday morning, the G1 I tried to contact, but the system was not available.
Who has the right
The benefit will be paid to informal, autonomous and MEI. You’ll have to fit in only ONE of the following conditions:
- be the owner of a legal entity (Individual Microentrepreneur, or MEI);
- be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) for Social Programs of the Federal Government until the last day of March 20;
- meet the average income requirement (Monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person, and up to 3 minimum wages per family) until March 20, 2020;
- be an individual or optional contributor to the General Social Security Regime.
Further, Recipients must meet ALL of the following requirements:
- to have over 18 years and active CPF;
- have a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per person (R $ 522.50);
- have monthly income up to 3 minimum wages (R $ 3,135) per family;
- not have received taxable income more than R $ 28,559.70 in 2018.
The woman who is the mother and head of the family, and who meets the other criteria, You can receive R $ 1.2 thousand (two installments) per month.
In family income, it will be considered all income earned by all members living in the same residence, except money from Bolsa Família.
If, during the three-month period, the recipient of emergency aid contracted under the CLT regime or if the family income exceeds the limit during the pay period, he will not stop receiving assistance.
Aid will not be given who receives welfare or assistance benefits, unemployment insurance or any other federal income transfer program other than Bolsa Família.
When will payments be made?
There are different dates for making the payment. Check it out below:
First delivery
- Who is in the Single Registry, does not receive Bolsa Família and has an account with Banco do Brasil or a savings account with Caixa Econômica Federal receives the first installment this Thursday (9);
- Those in the Single Registry do not receive Bolsa Família and do not have an account with these banks: on Tuesday of next week (April 14);
- Who is not in the Single Registry: within 5 business days after enrollment in the emergency assistance program;
- Who receives Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of April, following the regular schedule of the program.
Second delivery
- Who is in the Single Registry does not receive Bolsa Família, in addition to the informal workers enrolled in the emergency aid program: between April 27 and 30
- Who receives Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of May, following the regular schedule of the program.
Third installment
- Whoever is in the Single Registry does not receive Bolsa Família, in addition to the informal workers enrolled in the emergency aid program: between May 26 and 29;
- Who receives Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of June, following the regular schedule of the program.
Emergency payment methods.
- There will be no withdrawals, only deposits for now;
- Whoever has an account open in any bank can indicate that they receive the amount;
- Those who do not have an open account must authorize the opening of a digital account through the website / application. (see above step by step);
- Those who do not have access to the Internet and therefore cannot register either in the application or on the website, will be able to register in the emergency aid program in the Caixa agencies or in the lottery stores, but will receive the money in the indicated account.