The resolution of the National Education Council (CNE), approved on Tuesday (6), opened the possibility that basic education networks may join the academic years 2020 and 2021 when the schools are going to reopen. The text also allows for the adoption of distance education by the end of next year.
The document still needs to be approved by the Ministry of Education (MEC), and membership of the networks is voluntary. But opens the way for the adaptation of curricula and allows schools that are already reopening to plan the pedagogical approach towards 2021.
The recommendation is that no disapproval by the end of 2020Instead, students are assessed to monitor learning.
TO end of 2021, the evaluation will indicate if the student advances one or two years on their school trip. Additionally, for 3rd year high school students, there is the possibility of an “extra” school year to reinforce learning (read below).

The National Council of Education approves distance education by the end of 2021
The recommendation, according to the advisers of the Chamber of Basic Education of the CNE, Amábile Pacios and Mozart Neves, is that schools assess students when they return to face-to-face classes to identify what they have not learned during a pandemic.
If the school reopens this year, teachers and students will have until the end of December to recover some content that has been left behind. If you do not have time, the study plan will be incorporated the following year, in the so-called continuous cycle.
The São Paulo state network, for example, announced that it will adopt the eight-month model, starting in 2020. Other networks may choose the same model or propose new approaches. According to Neves, the important thing is to have a periodic evaluation to accompany the students.
If the school reopens next year, the process must also begin with an evaluation. The learning gaps that have been identified should be incorporated into the curriculum.
“More than verifying that the student knows the second degree equation, it is to see if he has the ability to solve a problem while going through that degree”, says Pacios.
Skills and competencies are the terms used in the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) about what each student must learn throughout the school life. Among the planned activities, 60% are considered essential and 40% complementary.
According to Neves, the secretariats and educational systems that opted for the continuous model must “unite” the “essential” activities, being able to put aside the complementary approach in this emergency period.
“The idea is to use the BNCC itself to establish the essential content,” explains Neves. “That is why the diagnostic evaluation is so important,” he defends. “It is not to put everything together in the same basket, to say that you will give it all in a year. But it is organizing the network and the schools based on those lessons considered essential in the BNCC ”.
“The student does not need to be retained in class. Can walk. However, what was finally delayed and was diagnosed in the evaluation, the school can join the year or the student’s pedagogical walk, join the skills and competencies of 2020 and 2021 ”, explains the counselor.
One of the possibilities will be to unite the students in classes, according to the level of learning, and develop study plans according to these stages of development.
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The approved text also makes possible a “supplemental” school year for 3rd year high school students.
Neves says the proposal is to make it possible for students to finish high school, but to continue studying if they feel they need a “boost.”
The proposal also depends on the adhesion of educational networks and systems.
- Back to face-to-face classes: see the state networks of public education that already have a return date and see the situation in your state and your capital
The document makes school approval more flexible by allowing the “redefinition of evaluation criteria” for the “promotion” of the student.
He also recommends “special attention” to the passing of students in the final years of elementary school (fifth through ninth grade). This stage of teaching records high failure and dropout rate.
A early childhood education is taught the “compulsory observance of the minimum educational working hours and the fulfillment of the minimum annual workload foreseen” and not “Primary and secondary school, the mandatory observance of the minimum number of days of effective school work, provided that the minimum annual workload is met, ”the document states.