Lava Jato was the best political marketing scheme


Publicist João Santana, in an interview with Roda Viva tonight, stated that Operation Lava Jato would have won “political and electoral marketing” awards between 2015 and 2017 if the awards existed. Today’s interview was the first he gave since his arrest in 2016, after being convicted of the operation he criticized.

Lava Jato was the best political marketing scheme ever established in Brazil. If it had an electoral political marketing award, Lava Jato would have won the third championship: 2015, 2016 and 2017
Juan Santana

Responsible for the presidential campaigns of Lula (2006) and Dilma Rousseff (2010 and 2014), he declared that the operation used “very dangerous aspects of political communication.”

Lava Jato, willingly or not, fueled the web of hate. I had raw material, but raw material doesn’t matter, I’m talking about the process itself. The hate machine was fed
Juan Santana

He stated, at the beginning of the interview, that Lava Jato’s merit was “having put my strongest finger on the issue of box two”, however “located in a few suppliers”.

“The ‘Didn’t’ campaign was a tactical mistake”

Santana analyzed the election of Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) in 2018 and affirmed that, although the president is, yes, an “electoral phenomenon”, he did not contradict the logic of the campaign, not even with only 18 seconds of free electoral propaganda on television . He cited an example of continuous exposure with the stab that the then candidate suffered while fulfilling an agenda in Juiz de Fora (MG), a month before the first round, and also the “He did not do it” campaign, which kept the name on the rise of the candidate. News.

Election time begins with 20%, enters and has the greatest possible exposure for the tragic and abominable absurdity that was the attempt on his life. So there is still, it will be controversial, there is still a tactical error: “It does not.” Then it goes to the second round and the exhibition is the same, it was this phenomenon
Juan Santana

The publicist listed other issues, such as the fact that Lula, then considered the strongest candidate, was arrested and presented a failed candidacy. He also mentioned the election of Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) as the “worst candidate” the party could put up.

Bolsonaro moved since 2010, it was a strange mask in search of a strange time. In 2016 he began to campaign, he became the first independent candidate in Brazilian political history because he had not left, he had no internal ties, he began to campaign with a very intelligent use of social networks and taking advantage of the entire anti-wave. PT.
Juan Santana

The Lava Jato marketer

The publicist João Santana was accused, along with his wife, Mônica Moura, of participating in a corruption scheme involving illegal contracts from Odebrecht and Petrobras that would have benefited the PT.

The two were sentenced to seven years and six months in prison for various crimes of money laundering. Both had their sentences replaced by 160 days in prison in a closed regime after reaching a final plea agreement, approved by the STF (Federal Supreme Court).

The couple admitted, on more than one occasion, the use of cash two, the practice of undeclared payments to the tax authorities.
