Lava Jato prosecutors in SP resign after Deltan’s departure – Brazil


man talking on microphone

Rodolfo Buhrer / La Imagem / Fotoarena / Agência O Globo

Deltan Dallagnol left the Lava Jato working group on Wednesday

Seven prosecutors from the Lava Jato working group in São Paulo asked Attorney General Augusto Aras to abandon the operation.

In the document, the prosecutors affirm that there are insoluble incompatibilities’ with the natural prosecutor of the Lava Jato events, Viviane de Oliveira Martinzes.

The group’s departure comes a day after the coordinator of the work group in Paraná, Deltan Dallagnol, announced his departure from the operation. Dallagnol claimed that her departure was due to the health problems of her one-year-old daughter, who will undergo tests and medical treatment. He will be replaced by Alessandro José Fernandes de Oliveira, who is currently part of the Lava Jato working group of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and who has a more discreet and moderate profile.

The São Paulo task force accumulated recent defeats in the investigations against Senator José Serra (PSDB). In a decision last week, Minister Gilmar Mendes extended a precautionary measure granted by the president of the Supreme Federal Court, Minister Dias Toffoli, and suspended the criminal action against Serra on the charge of receiving bribes from Odebrecht.
