Lava Jato in Curitiba shares confidential information about the operation with the MPF’s internal affairs department | Politics


The working group of Operation Lava Jato in Curitiba sent a copy of the confidential information, which appears in the operation’s database, to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Federal Public Ministry. TV Globo found that a good part of this information is already in the internal affairs department of Brasilia.

The data transfer was determined by the current MPF general manager, Elizeta de Paiva Ramos. The order was revealed by the newspaper “O Globo” and, with compliance, the database is accessible to Internal Affairs, in secret.

The correctional area (internal inspection) has autonomy in relation to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and, therefore, can determine the supply of material.

According to internal affairs, the procedure does not contradict the decision of the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Edson Fachin. In August, Fachin ended the data exchange between Lava Jato work teams in Paraná, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo with the PGR.

You notice mesee the full text below), the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of the MPF stated that it “does not comment on confidential procedures” and that the order to share the databases was given in the “regular exercise of the agency’s corrective actions.”

In August, Fachin rejected the PGR's appeal to access data from Lava Jato's working groups.

In August, Fachin rejected the PGR’s appeal to access data from Lava Jato’s working groups.

This sending of sensitive information was the subject of a dispute between the prosecutors of the working group and the PGR, which began in June. At that time, the working group unleashed internal affairs after the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic Lindôra Araújo, Lava Jato coordinator in the PGR, requested access to the data.

Lindôra’s request was made on a visit to Curitiba, but the lawsuit sparked a disagreement with prosecutors. According to the group, the head of Lava Jato of the PGR requested access to the procedures and databases of the working group “without providing information” on the existence of a formal process on which the request was based, or saying what was the objective pursued.

The sub-PGR also allegedly requested the release of a system used by colleagues in Paraná to record phone calls.

The Lava Jato working group in PR triggers internal affairs after the PGR requests access to the data

The Lava Jato working group in PR triggers internal affairs after the PGR requests access to the data

In a note, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic reported that the visit “did not seek the informal exchange of data”, but to obtain “global information on the current stage of the investigations and the compilation of the working group, to resolve the responsibilities.” According to the PGR, the visit was previously scheduled, a month before, with the coordinator of the Curitiba working group.

The matter reached the STF and, during the judicial recess in July, then-President Dias Toffoli responded to the PGR’s request to allow the exchange of data. The decision was reversed by the original case reporter Edson Fachin in August after the end of the recess.

Read the note released by MPF Internal Affairs this Wednesday:

The Department of Internal Affairs of the Federal Public Ministry does not comment on confidential procedures. The request to send a copy of the Working Group’s databases was taken in the regular exercise of the agency’s corrective actions and is not related to a judicial measure analyzed by the Supreme Court of Justice. All material received will be kept by the Secretariat of Expertise, Research and Analysis (Sppea) of the MPF, which is responsible for actions of this nature.
