No Donald Trump is not Joe Biden. Highlights from the latest presidential debate United States was the mediator, Kristen Welker, by being able to control the momentum of the candidates without having to resort to the “mute button”.
After the first meeting, mediated by veteran Chris Wallace, was marked by interruptions and attacks, the organization decided to create a “mute button” to cut off the microphone of the candidates while the opponent spoke.
The expectation for the debate on Thursday (22) was whether the button would be the protagonist. But it was not necessary. Praised by Chris Wallace himself and even by Trump (who had criticized her hours before)Kirsten Welker knew how to lead the meeting, interrupt the candidates when necessary and, in the end, thank the candidates “for a very robust hour and a half of debate.”
Both candidates were incisive in their speeches, but it was a more civilized and focused discussion on the topics proposed by the organization: in the first meeting, there was an interruption every minute.
Trump came to praise her during the debate. “By the way, so far, I have a lot of respect for the way he’s dealing with this, I must say,” the US president said in a rare compliment to a journalist.
Hours before the meeting, he had attacked the mediator on a social network.: “See the prejudice, hatred and rudeness on the part of 60 Minutes and CBS. Tonight’s host, Kristen Welker, is so much worse!“, wrote.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump, in the last debate before the US elections, with mediator Kristen Welker in the background – Photo: Jim Bourg / Pool via AP
According to CNN’s analysis, Kristen Welker was the most effective moderator of the debating season. “She refused to be intimidated by Trump or let one of the candidates talk about her for a long period of time.”.
CNN called Welker’s performance “balanced and crisp” and said the mediator “succeeded where former Fox News moderator Chris Wallace was defeated.”
Chris Wallace himself, who failed to bring order to the first debate, praised his colleague. “First of all, I’m jealous”Wallace said when asked on Fox News about his impressions shortly after the debate ended. “I would like to be able to moderate this debate.”
The New York Times noted that the mediator had a calmer “Trump 2.0,” but said that Welker “was courteous but firm in guiding the discussion” and “took control when necessary”.
See highlights from the second debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden
Born July 1, 1976, Welker is a journalist, works for the NBC channel, and is a White House correspondent and co-host, along with Peter Alexander, of “Weekend Today” (Saturday edition of “Today”).
The daughter of a white engineer father and a black estate agent mother, she graduated from Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia in 1994 and from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts in 1998.
The 44-year-old journalist is married to John Hughes, a marketing executive, and is not affiliated with any party. With yesterday’s mediation, Welker became the first black woman to moderate a presidential debate since ABC’s Carole Simpson in 1992..