Know what to do if Emergency Help is in error. The number of people who tried to register receive aid of R $ 600 and his denied request reached 104.1 million on Friday night (10). According to Caixa Econômica Federal, in this group there are those who are not entitled because they are not in the Single Registry of the federal government, fraud or erroneous information in relation to the required criteria. Download the free application from the Mix Vale portal
The orders are analyzed by Dataprev, a technology company linked to the Ministry of Economy, with the support of Banco do Brasil. The government has been emphatic about possible fraud in emergency aid. The Federal Police and Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency) are already working on mapping those seeking to take advantage of the crisis.
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Caixa reported that 31.5 million Brazilians completed their registration on Friday night. 135.6 million messages were sent by cell phone (SMS) to confirm the registration of emergency assistance. The 111 call center, where Brazilians can ask questions and request information, has so far received 8.6 million calls.
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The difference between the number of records accepted and the number of messages sent by cell phone to confirm them indicates the number of people who are not entitled to emergency assistance.
Who has the right
The emergency aid of R $ 600 will be paid in three installments during the new coronavirus crisis to informal workers, intermittent inactives, independent workers and women who are the head of the family.
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To receive the aid, the worker cannot receive retirement, unemployment insurance, or receive other government aid. Nor can it be part of a federal income transfer program, with the exception of Bolsa Família. R7 font