BRASÍLIA – Judge Kassio Marques will be heard on Wednesday, starting at 8 am, at the Senate Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ). For his nomination to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to be confirmed, Kassio Marques must be approved by the majority of the members present in the CCJ and, subsequently, by the majority of the full Senate. As he has the support even of members of the opposition, the judge should have no difficulty in being approved.
Pf: Alexandre de Moraes is the new rapporteur of the Bolsonaro process in the STF
On Saturday, each senator will have 10 minutes to ask their question and the judge will have the same response time. If the congressman is not satisfied, he will have the right to a response of five minutes, at the same time as the indicated rejoinder. The CCJ is made up of 27 senators. If the name is approved by the commission, the opinion will be sent to the plenary session, where the 81 senators can vote.
The last satellites of the STF nominees lasted more than 10 hours: in 2017, Alexandre de Moraes participated in a sabbatical of 11 hours and 39 minutes; In 2012, Edson Fachin’s sabbatical lasted 12 hours and 39 minutes.
The rapporteur for the nomination is Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM), who last week presented a favorable opinion for approval. Braga said he said questions about the magistrate’s curriculum were not enough to “raise doubts about his legal knowledge or damage his reputation.” However, given that Eduardo Braga was diagnosed with Covid-19, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG) was elected as the new rapporteur. However, you will not need to read the report.