Justice yesterday ordered the blocking of bank accounts, financial investments and assets of former federal deputies Cristiane Brasil (PTB) and Pedro Fernandes (PSC), former secretary of Education in Rio. The decision is made by the 26th Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro.
The measure also affects another five people and four companies. All are suspected of having participated in a fraud scheme between 2013 and 2018 that diverted R $ 120 million from the government and the mayor of Rio, according to an investigation by the Rio Public Ministry.
Last week, a decision by the TJRJ (Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro) ordered the release of Cristiane and Pedro Fernandes.
Cristiane Brasil alleged ‘political persecution’
Upon surrendering, the daughter of former Congressman Roberto Jefferson – who was a candidate for the City of Rio – protested in a video posted on his social networks.
“It is absurd that now an old complaint is being carried out, from 2012, 2013, a preventive arrest warrant against me, with the days before the elections, against me and the other two main candidates. it gets stronger, ”said Cristiane Brasil.
Cristiane, who came to be considered a minister in Jair Bolsonaro’s government, said at the time that she was the victim of “political persecution.” During the incarceration period, the PTB withdrew Cristiane’s candidacy for the city of Rio.
At that time, Pedro Fernandes’ press office reported that he was “outraged by the arrest warrant.” The former state deputy – who during his house arrest was exonerated by the interim governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro (PSL) – said he believed his innocence would be proven.
The 2nd phase of Operation Catarata investigates fraud in the bidding contracts of the Leão 13 Foundation, which is linked to the state government and focused on actions for low-income people. In this case, contracts related to vision care are investigated, hence the name of the operation.
According to the MP, the criminal group used companies made up of relatives, employees and close people, as well as OS (Social Organizations), to give the appearance of competitiveness and defraud tenders.