Judge determines “guilty violation” and generates revolt in the Mari Ferrer case


The images of the audience of the influencer Mariana Ferrer, 23, to judge the businessman André de Camargo Aranha obtained by The Intecept Brasil generated great repercussion. The man is accused of raping the young promoter at a party that took place in 2018.

According to the prosecutor responsible for the case, there was no way for the businessman to know, during the sexual act, that Mari was not in a position to consent to the relationship, so there was no “intention” to rape.

Thus, the judge accepted the argument that André committed a “conviction violation”, a “crime” not provided for in Brazilian law. However, since no one can be convicted of a crime that does not exist, the defendant was acquitted.

The lawyer Cláudio Gastão da Rosa Filho, responsible for the businessman’s defense, showed several photographs of Mariana during the hearing and defined the images as “gynecological”. At no time was he questioned by members of the Santa Catarina Court of Justice about the relationship between the photos and the case.

Gastão also said that “he would never have a daughter like Mariana.” Very upset, the influencer responded by saying that in the photos she is wearing clothes and that “they don’t have too many. The young woman also argued: “The person who is a virgin is not a nun, doctor. We are in the year 2020 ”.

He continued attacking Mariana. “Only your little face appears crying. There is only a halo on the head. It makes no sense to come with your false and hidden cry and this crocodile tear ”.

After these statements, one of the members of the Court noticed that Mariana was crying a lot when she heard the words and asked her if she wanted to go out for a while to compose herself.

Despite being clearly moved, Mari responds to the accusations. “I would like respect, doctor. Excellency, I ask you respect at least. Neither the defendants nor the murderers are treated like me people, for crying out loud. I am a person without blemish. I never committed a crime against anyone. “

The OAB of Santa Catarina and the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights requested clarifications from the lawyer and the TJ of Santa Catarina about their conduct during the interrogation.

After the video of the hearing was released, there was a great revolt on social networks with the outcome of the case and the conduct of the defense attorney. #Justicapormarierrer returned to trending topics on Twitter.
