Joe Biden wins in Pennsylvania and is elected president of the United States | 2020 U.S. elections


Democrat Joe Biden reached 270 delegates in the Electoral College on Saturday (7), according to projections by various media outlets, enough to defeat Republican Donald Trump and become the 46th president of the United States.

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Although it is not official, this type of projection is enough for American society to recognize the election of a president.

This Saturday morning there were at least 6 votes in the electoral college for Biden to reach 270 and his victory was confirmed, according to projections by the Associated Press. With the projected victory in Pennsylvania, Biden reached 284 delegates.

Other vehicles, like the New York Times, for example, had yet to declare Biden the winner in Arizona, which has 11 delegates. However, with Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, the dispute in Arizona has become indifferent, as the outcome no longer changes.

Joe Biden Wins New US President Elected in Pennsylvania, AP Projections

Joe Biden Wins New US President Elected in Pennsylvania, AP Projections

President Donald Trump claims the elections are being stolen and promises legal action. Shortly after Biden was declared the winner in the American press, his campaign made a note saying that the elections were not over. The Republican campaign called for a recount in Wisconsin and is seeking to suspend the recount in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan.

He also asked for interference in a pending United States Supreme Court case over Pennsylvania, a major state in the dispute that still counts hundreds of thousands of ballots mailed. The Republican tries to prevent the state from counting the votes that arrive after the elections.

These court maneuvers by Trump came after the Republican’s attacks on the integrity of the vote, while declaring victory and suggesting, without evidence, that Democrats would try to defraud the election.

Trump is trying to avoid becoming the first interim president of the United States to lose a re-election race since George HW Bush in 1992.

Biden’s victory marks the return of a Democrat to the White House since the departure of Barack Obama, who ruled the country between 2009 and 2017, and of which Biden was vice president.

Married to Jill Biden, Joe Biden was born in 1942 in Pennsylvania to a Catholic family. The Democrat made a name for himself in politics in 1972, when, at the age of 29, he was elected to the Senate by the state of Delaware and became one of the youngest people to take office in the history of the United States. United.

This year’s vote tally started dramatically for the Democrat, who lost Florida (against poll averages) and suffered setbacks in Georgia and North Carolina, states where Biden intended to take advantage of Trump four years ago.

But other victories in key states, with votes counting only at the end, determined Biden’s victory by projections. One reason was the foreseeable delay in counting the votes that arrived by mail.

More than 100 million American voters voted before official election day. This represents almost 73% of the total number of people who went to the polls in 2016. Of these, more than 64.5 million ballots were sent by mail.

The early voting was motivated, among other reasons, by the fear of crowds in the pandemic. And most of those voters voted for Biden, already pointing to the projections made even before Election Day.

The pandemic even caused Biden to avoid mass demonstrations throughout the campaign. The Democrat preferred to hold meetings with few people or, in the final stretch, political events with cars.

Campaign themes and proposals

  • Coronavirus: Biden proposes to increase the number of tests and make them more accessible if elected. He is still studying a bill that would force people to wear masks. In addition, he plans to mobilize 100,000 people for a kind of army of officials who will be in charge of tracking the virus and the epidemic.
  • Access to health: the Democrat proposes creating a state company that will offer more affordable health plans. The idea is that, in this way, prices fall. It also intends to have a pricing policy for drugs.
  • Taxes: Biden said he intended to raise the tax rate among the highest-income people in the United States, but promised not to raise the rate for 90% of taxpayers.
  • Environmental Protection: Biden’s proposal is to start a movement to reduce emissions and reach 2050 as a neutral country. He also plans to return to the Paris Agreement. Trump pulled out of the deal and ended more than 100 rules to preserve the environment in his tenure. He stated that he does not intend to transition from fossil fuels to renewables.

Remember the Biden campaign

Earlier this year, the Democratic Party made its strides to choose who would be Trump’s opponent.

Biden started badly and was fourth in the first round of the preliminaries and without a delegate in the second. But he managed to reverse the results in South Carolina.

With the support of Representative Jim Clyburn, the most powerful Democrat in the state, Biden won the first presidential primaries of his life by winning 48% of the vote. Then he took all the states in elementary school except eight.

Days before his party’s national convention, Biden elected Senator Kamala Harris of California as vice president.

In the convention, Biden participated by transmission, a great change motivated by the pandemic in relation to other years, in which the rallies gathered thousands inside sports gyms.

The Democrat still met with Trump in two debates. Between one and the other, he participated in a program with voters.

In the final stretch, the campaign was reinforced by Barack Obama, who held rallies for some people, mostly in cars, and met with Biden in person to act the weekend before the vote.
