Joe Biden: How the President-Elect of the United States intends to change his country’s trade relations with the rest of the world



Biden will pursue many Trump goals, but will resort to less one-sided policies

With the announcement of the appointment of the former president of the American Central Bank (Fed), Janet Yellen as future secretary of the United States Treasury, President-elect Joe Biden begins to clearly outline the configuration of his economic team.

The next government will face a number of challenges in this area, starting with putting the country on the path of economic recovery after the severe crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, but it will also face many challenges beyond its borders, in when it comes to business relationships.

“In his attempt to put ‘America first’ in terms of jobs and profits, President Donald Trump taxed imports from nations that he thought were trying to give their producers an unfair advantage, with little perceived benefit to the US. “Says Dharshini David, BBC correspondent for global trade issues.

But what will the management change in the White House mean for US trade policy?
