João says he will indicate Projota to the wall


Wall formation day on “BBB 21” (TV Globo) and the leader of the week, João, confirmed to Thaís and Camilla that he will nominate Projota. The professor justified his decision by saying that if he indicated someone else, it would be inconsistent with what he thinks.

What motivates me to nominate him today is the fact that he has closed a lot. I notice that there is a change in his facial expression, in his behavior towards me, especially after I revealed my vote. The way he takes things here sometimes conflicts with what I believe

João continued and said that he had been bothered by the Projota outbreak before, that he disliked having to face the queue at the time of the X-ray:

He got * that’s why (…) I felt something that I don’t like

The rapper, who this week is serving the monster’s punishment, took it out on Pocah and Arthur:

Can’t stand! Lots of son of a bitch. I got in line to do the X-ray. I was the first to arrive, I already let the monsters pass in front of me. Last week you know And today I queued, brother. Three people in front of me, in a row. Even this shitty leader [João Luiz]. That son of a bitch. Brother, let me stay here so I can get this bastard out next week. False c * ralho.

Who is the most hated participant in the ‘BBB 21’ house?


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta

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