JBS, from the Batista brothers, donates R $ 700 million to fight covid-19


JBS, by the brothers Joesley and Wesley Batista, announced this Monday (May 11, 2020) the donation of R $ 700 million for actions to combat covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus. It is the largest donation from a Brazilian company outside the financial sector.

Of the total, R $ 400 million will be distributed in Brazil and will be assigned to 3 fronts: one) public health actions, 2) support for science and technology, and 3) it helps the most vulnerable population. Read the full announcement (217 kB).

The values ​​will be divided as follows:

R $ 330 million they will be used for the construction of hospitals, expansion of beds, purchase of tests, medicines, medical equipment and hygiene supplies, in addition to food donations;

R $ 50 million for research and technology entities focused on health studies;

R $ 20 million 50 non-profit social organizations serving vulnerable communities.

According to the company, the amount will be used to directly benefit 162 municipalities and 17 units of the Federation with donations of masks, personal protective equipment, basic baskets, ICU beds, construction of hospitals, among others. JBS projects that up to 60 million people can benefit.

Abroad, JBS will allocate R $ 300 million, mainly in the United States, to local communities. The goal is to support food assistance and critical infrastructure, with the provision of personal protective equipment for first responders, for example.

“The world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis and JBS, as a citizen company, wants to continue making a difference in people’s lives, supporting efforts to face the health emergency and the social crisis caused by the pandemic”says Gilberto Tomazoni, global CEO of JBS.

The initiatives will be coordinated by Joanita Maestri Karoleski, former CEO of Seara, and audited by Grant Thornton, who renounced his fees.

To evaluate projects and resource allocation, the company created advisory committees, with independent members:

The Advisory Committee will focus on the purchase and distribution of donations and will be chaired by the CEO of Hcor, Fernando Andreatta Torelly. Its members are: Henrique Sutton de Sousa Neves, CEO of Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein; Maurício Barbosa, founder and president of the Bionexo Board; Mohamed Parrini, CEO of the Moinhos de Vento Hospital in Porto Alegre; and Roberto Kalil Filho, President of the Board of Directors of InCor, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, USP.

The Social Committee will select social projects from 50 non-profit organizations. It will be made up of Carla Duprat, executive director of the InterCement Institute; Carola Matarazzo, executive director of Movimento Bem Maior; and Celso Athayde, founder of Cufa (Central Única das Favelas).

The Science and Technology Committee will define and supervise donations to science and research institutes. Its members will be: José Medina Pestana, full professor at the Paulista School of Medicine / Unifesp and director of the Hospital do Rim; Pedro Hallal, dean of Ufpel (Federal University of Pelotas); and Pedro Hallal, president of the Brazilian Israelite Beneficent Society Albert Einstein.

JBS has approximately 240,000 employees worldwide, 130,000 of which in Brazil.

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