Isabele Case: A teenager accused of killing a friend is released after completing a single day of hospitalization in a socio-educational unit; Understand


The teenager accused of the murder of Isabele Guimarães, aged 14, obtained a habeas corpus on Wednesday (16) to be released after serving a day in a socio-educational unit. According to G1, the Court’s decision was made after its defense alleging that the measure is illegal.

On the night of Tuesday (15), the girl appeared at the Specialized Police Station for Adolescents (DEA), after Judge Cristiane Padim, from Court 2 for Children and Youth of Mato Grosso, determined the arrest of the young woman. for 45 days. The decision was issued days after the Mato Grosso State Prosecutor’s Office (MPE-MT) requested the admission of the girl to a socio-educational unit in the capital, for a crime analogous to qualified homicide, a crime indicated by police officer Wagner Bassi, at the conclusion of the investigation. .

“The decision, due to its illegality, was overturned by the Mato Grosso Court of Justice at the headquarters of the Habeas Corpus Liberatório filed by the defense. The minor will respond in freedom to the accusation that was imputed to him “explained the defense of the girl.

Isabele Guimarães, only 14 years old, was killed after being shot in the face, while at her friend’s house. (Photo: Playback / Instagram)

The Secretary of State for Public Security (Sesp-MT), in turn, reported that it had not yet been notified of the decision, determining that the girl be released. The teenager spent a night in the female wing of the Girl Moça Resocialization Center -which is part of the Pomeri- Complex, isolated from the others, following the coronavirus prevention protocol.

After seven days of monitoring the health conditions and possible symptoms, the girl would be integrated into the routine of the unit, along with the other hospitalized women, and would receive psychosocial care. The Cuiabá Center for Socio-educational Attention for Women (Caso) has 15 places and currently houses 5 adolescents.

Understand the case

Isabele Guimarães Ramos was at a friend’s house on July 12, in a luxury condominium in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, when she was shot in the skull and died. The case, until then, continued with many doubts and few answers. According to the teenager suspected of shooting, the gun would have gone off when she kept the gun for her father, denying that she was playing with the object or trying to show it to her friend.

According to Rodrigo Pouso, a lawyer for the young suspect’s family, the teenager’s father was at the back of his house and asked his daughter to keep the gun upstairs, where Isabele was. “She did not shoot and at no point did she aim. It was an accidental shot when she was putting the gun away. The gun was in the house because the teenager’s father was going to test it to see if he would buy it. All other weapons are legal “, he stated. Seven other weapons were found in the house where Isabele died.

Isabele Guimarães’s best friend, also 14, would have fired the gun and caused the death of the young woman. (Photo: Playback / TV Globo)

The investigation

Based on testimonies and images from an internal security circuit, the investigation indicates that the teenager’s boyfriend loaded the weapon without her seeing him, put the pistol in the case around 9:50 p.m. and left the scene at around 9:50 p.m. 21:59 hours. The girl then took the closed case in the living room and carried it to the bedroom, as ordered by her father. According to the Civil Police, the victim was in the bathroom smoking an electronic cigarette, hidden, when her friend entered the room. The two of them then stayed for about 1 minute and 18 seconds at the scene. “In that time, a shot occurs”, concluded attorney Wagner Bassi.

According to officials of the DEA and the Specialized Police for the Defense of Children and Adolescents (Deddica), the girl allegedly took the weapon, pointed it at Isabele’s face at a distance of between 20 and 30 centimeters, and fired. “The teenager, who is a practicing shooting sports, said that when putting away the weapons, one of them would have fallen and fired. According to the report, the case was in bed and the youngest had left her friend with the loaded gun. “Bassi explained.

The investigation says that the young woman must face an offense for intentional homicide – when there is an intention to kill – recklessness and malpractice. Her 16-year-old boyfriend, who would initially be treated only as a witness in the case, will also be responsible for a crime analogous to the illegal possession of a firearm for taking the pistols to his girlfriend’s house, where the crime was committed. crime. The weapons belonged to the boy’s father.

The police chief also revealed that the boy’s father said in testimony that he did not know that the son had taken the weapons to the girl’s house, but he was still charged with failure to guard against the weapons guard, since he would have the obligation to store pistols in a safe place. The father of the young woman who shot was charged on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter (without intention of homicide), in addition to three other crimes: possession of a firearm, for giving the weapon to her teenage daughter and procedural fraud. The added sentences can add up to 14 years of detention, in addition to the fines.

“Accidental shot” ruled out

On the eve of a month after the death of Isabele Guimarães Ramos, the official ballistic report of the Official Expert and Technical Identification (Politec), in Cuiabá, was released. According to G1, the shooting that took the life of the 14-year-old girl was not carried out without pulling the trigger, which differs from previous versions of the case. According to the report, signed by the expert Reinaldo Hiroshi dos Santos, the firearm used cannot produce an accidental shot.

Instead, the weapon, as received by forensics, was only shown to be capable of producing a shot when loaded with ammunition, cocked, unlocked and would only fire after the trigger was fired. However, the document attested that the AFQ1 weapon had incomplete or defective mechanisms and had several modifications.

According to the news portal, the expert carried out tests to see if the young woman’s version was possible – about the supposed “accident”. To do this, they inserted a cartridge without projectile and powder into the loading chamber of the weapon. Additionally, the AFQ1 weapon was swung in the open air in a variety of shapes and positions, and was also hit against a rubber surface. After the test, the result was that the shot could not have been “accidental”.

However, for ballistics, there is a difference between “accidental firing” and “involuntary firing”. Accidental firing occurs when the trigger mechanism, and the trigger, do not engage regularly at the time of firing. Unintentional firing uses the trigger mechanism, even if the action was unintentional. In other words, there was a possibility that the weapon responsible for Isabele’s death was fired unintentionally, but not accidentally.

Suspicious family practiced sport shooting

Both the teenager who fired the shot and her family are practicing the shot. According to G1, the Mato Grosso Shooting Federation (FTMT) stated that the suspicion of Isabele’s death has been practicing shooting for at least three years. Her name and that of her father appear in “squads” (or groups) that have participated in the organization’s competitions in recent years and were present in classes.

Since her tragic death, Isabele Guimarães Ramos has received a number of honors. (Photo: Playback / Personal archive)

In addition to them, other members of the family also participated in these shooting groups, and would be active practitioners of the sport, as well as the boyfriend of the teenager who would have shot. Despite the FTMT statement, the family lawyer assures that Isabele’s young friend had only been practicing sport for three months.

After the tragic episode, the father of the alleged teenager was arrested on the spot and prosecuted by the Civil Police for illegal possession and possession of a weapon, and also for having handed the weapon over to his daughter. Your bond has changed in value several times. He paid the final amount, which was not disclosed by the authorities, and was released.

Human blood identified on clothing

In August, the investigation carried out by the Civil Police identified blood marks on the clothes of the teenager’s friend, who is the main suspect of shooting the victim. A short blouse that the young suspect was wearing at the time was examined in detail and found small blood marks. “Samples taken from one of the brownish-brown stains on the blouse described in ‘A’ (cropped) and from the back of the skirt bar described in ‘C’ showed a positive result for the presence of blood human “says a section of the report accessed by the G1 portal.

Small spots on the top were analyzed and the result identified that it was human blood. Photo: Playback.

The clothes were turned over to authorities by the mother of the suspect’s boyfriend. The defense attorney for the investigated teenager reported that the young woman and her sister moved to the child’s house, located in the same condominium, after everything happened. There, the teenager changed clothes and showered, claiming that she was “Feeling suffocated”.

Pieces were left in the house of the boyfriend of the teenager who shot Isabele. Photo: Playback.
