Investigation in Italy shows mafia bought guns in Brazil 10/25/2020


It’s not just cocaine. The Italian mafia bought and imported weapons made in Brazil. This is what the complaint, obtained by the report of the Twitter, which the prosecutor’s office in Catanzaro, in southern Italy, offered against ‘Ndrangheta, a faction that operates in the Calabria region and has connections with the First Capital Command (PCC) and other criminal organizations in Latin America.

The 13,500-page complaint led to the “Rinascita-Scott” mega-trial that began in Rome in September against 452 people accused of belonging to the Calabrian mafia. It is the second largest trial in the history of Italy, behind only the case against the Sicilian mafia Cosa Nostra, concluded in the early 1990s.

Using spyware, spyware installed on the cell phone of Gregorio Niglia, one of the accused, the police reconstructed the importation of arms and drugs from Brazil. On October 17, 2016, investigators intercepted a conversation that took place during a dinner between the international trafficker Bruno Fuduli, the clan chief, Giuseppe Antonio Accorinti, and his right-hand man, Antonio Vacatello, both denounced.

In the dialogue, the four devised a plan to transport “some containers” with weapons and cocaine that had arrived from Brazil to an Italian port. For that, they will need two carts and a place to hide the cargo. Investigators did not identify the port and there was no seizure, but the dialogue made it clear that the containers contained an unknown number of weapons.

After dinner, Fuduli, who committed suicide in November 2019, traveled to Brazil to negotiate the purchase of a drug that was hidden in the ore load from a quarry in Goiás. The cargo was reportedly shipped to Italy on a container ship.

The years-long investigations rebuilt the organization’s structure and found that the ‘Ndrangheta had the collusion of politicians from all walks of life, businessmen and even policemen. The charges include mafia association, money laundering, goodwill, extortion, murder, concealment of a body and kidnapping.

In 2018, an investigation by four European countries and the Federal Police revealed a link between ‘Ndrangheta and the First Capital Command (PCC) for international drug trafficking. From 2016 to 2018, two tons of cocaine, valued at around R $ 1 billion, left the ports of Santos (SP), Salvador, Itajaí (SC) and Rio de Janeiro to Europe.
