Inter president apologizes for “unfortunate phrase” and the club will shoot more – 03/05/2020


A phrase by the president of Internacional in an interview with Rádio Guaíba had a bad impact on Friday: “I am sure that everyone wants to work. Another problem we are facing now is the economic issue. Players who do not want to play can resign.” with the possibility of football returning, he will fulfill the contract he signed, “said Marcelo Medeiros.

Then the Colorado official went to Twitter and retracted it: “Today, my statement ended up being interpreted negatively. I apologize for any misunderstanding.” The blog spoke to Medeiros about the controversy, the players’ return to activities and the club’s near future. The leader anticipates that the layoffs have already happened and others will come in the coming days.

What did you mean by that phrase?
It was an incorrect way of expressing myself. If you express yourself in some way and generate doubts, questions and various interpretations, it is because you were not clear in your way of approaching the subject. What did I mean? From this moment we live, I contracted COVID-19, I spent 16 days in isolation. Grêmio’s president is the same. Eight other officers from the two clubs who were at the dinner held the day before Grenal da Libertadores also had the disease. We would never jeopardize the health of employees, athletes, and the press. The Porto Alegre municipal health department launched external physical activities at the beginning of the players’ presentation.

How is this prepared?
On Saturday we did a simulation with protocols, security, hygiene, etc. The players, while on vacation, had been following a schedule of physical activities for when they could return to work. In addition to that, on Friday I attended some vehicles from Porto Alegre and we were talking about how Inter’s day-to-day will work. The players will perform on Tuesday, the coaching staff will be reintroduced tomorrow and all the hygiene and safety protocols will be divided on the eve of the players’ presentation. The CT of Inter and Grêmio are similar, on the banks of Guaíba. When the Rio Grande do Sul federation and the municipal secretary offered that possibility, the protocols left the public system with the federation’s guidance for soccer clubs. Grêmio and Inter worked together to improve these protocols, so one will do it, the other will also do it

And your phrase?
That extreme phrase, that situation is not going to happen. Why doesn’t the player refuse? Until then you will have training and diagnostics, deeper training, ball activities, training with the whole team, until you enter the field. And there will be several tests. On Tuesday, the players will arrive in groups of six, will come in uniform from home, will wear tennis shoes, will get out of their cars, will park more than two meters away, will go to a tent, all outside, nobody will enter the gym, locker room … Staff above 60 years will continue at home and athletes will have diagnosis, temperature measurement, breathing and physical activity. One group at 9 a.m., another at 9:30 a.m. and so on until 11:30 a.m. He works closed, gets in the car and goes home. We will monitor players, family and people closest to you. If an athlete shows insecurity or fear until the ball rolls, we’ll take care of it.

What was the journalist’s question?
If on the day of the game the player refuses to enter the field. And then came my unfortunate phrase: “If you don’t want to work, let me quit.” The wealthy Flamengo fired 62 people, RBS (communication group) 31, Inter will probably make some cuts. How can I have a paternalistic speech with athletes? That was the approach, it was not clear.

Why and how can the gaucho championship return?
We are experiencing very great madness. Last week, a Flamengo official called me very concerned about the situation in Rio de Janeiro, but here in Rio Grande do Sul it is different, we have a low curve. If I can do the championship, I don’t know, but if we are allowed to work, we will work. The Porto Alegre health department allowed the return of civil construction, industries and professionals in internal activities. The administrative part of Inter is closed, museum, heritage, everything at home. My statement, I mis-expressed it, generated this interpretation. I never talked about firing anyone, it’s not that. “If someone doesn’t want to work and thinks they should go, let them quit,” but that won’t happen. I didn’t want to get into the shows and debate after that because I was not happy with the way I expressed myself.

And coach Eduardo Coudet, are you in Rio Grande or in Argentina?
The Coudet arrived in Porto Alegre permanently, by car, traveled many hours and when it stopped, returned to Buenos Aires. There was even a border problem in Uruguaiana. He spent the first period of quarantine in Porto Alegre and when he was released, when the land border was opened, he went to Argentina. I heard that he left there yesterday (Saturday) and is already in Porto Alegre, like the four professionals who work with him. Tomorrow he will show up and we will pass this security protocol on to him.

What are your expectations for a return to soccer games?
Every time I see what is happening, especially in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Manaus, I was terrified and very scared. Here in the metropolitan region, the isolation began in an organized way and the numbers assure us of a return, in a new normality. But some cities in the Serra Gaúcha, such as Passo Fundo and Lajeado, rushed the opening with flexibility and the numbers increased. I’m not entirely sure that the environment is ready to go back. It is a difficult situation, we are guided by what the health authorities say. We will work in smaller groups, wearing a mask, players will have to answer a questionnaire about their symptoms, their closest family and friends, so that we can have the information.

How important are these other states in order to control the situation so that football returns?
I am afraid that football will not return. We are seeing what is happening in Rio and São Paulo. The thermometer for the return of Brazilian football is in SP. What happens in Manaus is sad, but it is not on the soccer circuit and what will determine the return will be the support of the regional federations. When those in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais have security to back them up, they will return. But I don’t see signs in that direction and I am very concerned.

For example?
I ask: the first game is a Grenal, we play with closed doors. What if some days later some players experience symptoms? Brazilian soccer will stop. The first step should be taken very well so that there are not several steps behind. We are taking steps towards external physical training, monitoring the players and that is why my answer was out of context, we spoke in a hypothetical scenario. If two players experience symptoms during training, the club may request to cancel the competition because it is not comfortable to follow it. No one wants to put their health at risk. I have a law firm and my people have been working in the home office for over 45 days. The 400 employees of the administrative area of ​​Inter also. But grassroots and women’s soccer doesn’t work, only the professional’s field staff will return, teams from other areas, such as performance analysis, will continue to work from home.

Do you believe in games as early as May?
We were told there was interest in starting on May 17. As the decree of the city council came out on the 1st and the re-presentation of the clubs will take place this week, we will have less than two weeks until the 17th. On Wednesday, May 6, the governor will receive the president of the federation to take charge of the return , or not, of the gaucho championship. It may not come back and then we will have to go one step further with the group of athletes. Country clubs wonder who will pay for the tests, which cost around R $ 200 per team, and with 100 they can measure a considerable number of professionals in a soccer department. So it’s up for debate. If the gaucho championship returns until the end of May or the beginning of June, a few more rounds and ends.

And it’s important for the money from television …
She stopped paying, we want to finish receiving this recipe.

What is your assessment of the 2019 financial statement for International?
In our first year, the deficit was R $ 60 million, we reduced it to less than R $ 15 million the following year and R $ 3 million last year. Inter is on track to achieve a positive result in the short term. If we were successful in the final of the Copa do Brasil, the difference in the prize would be enough at the end of the year. We have a great responsibility in this regard, seeking financial balance and not making adventures. But this closure will require a reduction. On March 20, already in isolation, we approved a regulation to all areas with a 30% reduction in each one. Before the stoppage, we had made the decision to extinguish Inter B to speed up the transfer of the Sub 20 to the professional.

How much does it weigh financially?
We had been doing a process of reducing expenses. With the closing of Inter B, R $ 6 million to R $ 7 million per year are saved. Now, with these problems that affect all economic activity in the country, we will have to do something more profound in relation to payroll, wages and possible layoffs, debt renegotiation, service providers and providers, the system financial … having to squeeze

We will have surgery mainly in the administrative part. We have already made some disconnections in the football department, some changes in the base, but this week we will report on these movements.

How many layoffs?
I still do not know why I did not do the final verification of this operation, I will go to the club on Monday morning to meet with the “Crisis Committee”.

Have player salaries been reduced?
The agreement with the athletes is aligned. It has already been reported.

The “freezing” of the payment of the image rights for at least three months, which means 30% to 40% less, and can be extended according to the recovery of the cash flow closest to normal. This difference will be paid in 2021. There was also a reduction in the remuneration of coach Eduardo Coudet. Check?
Close to that. There is no way to detail or particularize. We enter the privacy of professionals.

What is your opinion on Coudet’s initial work?
Very good coach, a rare figure, a very happy guy, very studious of football. The arrival of Jesus, Sampaoli and him shocks the way of tactical thinking and group management. Coudet had a mission, we couldn’t go wrong, we had to get to the group stage, so he adopted some more conservative strategies, especially away from home. In the group stage he began to show more loose and offensive football. We made a good Grenal in the Arena and the seed of his work is planted.

Very different from Brazilian technicians?
His technical commission is bigger than the ones we had. The intensity of the training is different, because he plays a lot on a small field. It has pleased us not only in tactics and techniques, but also in how we relate to players and management.
