Either Pope Francis reinforces the tradition of praying or Terço em família no mês de maio, revealing a “segredo”: sozinho ou em companhia, or important and praying with simplicity.
Bianca Fraccalvieri – Cidade do Vaticano
Two prayers a serem prayed not the end of Terço em maio: this is a proposal from Pope Francis to all of you to trust with the most Marian chegada.
É tradição, escreve or Pontiff, pray or Terço at home, in family, not more than May. “A dimension that the restrictions of the pandemic will force us to value, including from a spiritual point of view.”
A simplicity
For this reason, Francisco proposes to all of you to rediscover no more than a beauty to pray or Terço at home: together or sozinhos, or importantly, to consider “um segredo”: simplicity.
O Pope remembers that it is easy to find, even on the internet, the following prayer schemes, but you offer two texts that the same will pray at the end of Terço, spiritually united with us.
Eis as orações propostas pelo Santo Padre:
Ó Maria,
You always shine on or walk us
as a sign of salvation and hope.
Let us entrust ourselves to you, Saúde dos Ill,
that you remained, together with the cross, associated with or the comfort of Jesus,
holding firm to you faith
You, Salvação do Povo Romano,
you know what we need
And we are sure that you will not provide it
so that, like Cana of Galilee,
Possa turn to joy and party
depois desta provação.
Ajudai-nos, Mãe do Divino Amor,
to conform us to vontade do Pai
and to do here that Jesus will give us,
What assumiu about If as nossas diseases
e carregou as nossas dores
to carry us, through the cross,
à alegria da ressurreição. Amen.
À vossa proteção, we travel, Santa Mãe de Deus;
Do not dismiss us as supplications at prova time
but livrai-nos of all you perigos, or Virgem gloriosa e blessed.
“À vossa proteção, let’s go, Santa Mãe de Deus”.
In a dramatic current situation, full of emotions and anguishes that oppress the world, we travel to Vós, Mãe de Deus e nossa Mãe, taking refuge with us to your protection.
Ó Virgem Maria, I returned for you the most merciful souls in this pandemic of coronaviruses and comfort to those who felt lost and wounded by their dead relatives and, at the same time, buried duma maneira que fere a alma. Sustain those who are distressed by people who are sick with what can not be approached, to prevent or contagion. I instilled confidence in my anxious life as a future uncertain and the consequences of the economy and work.
Mãe de Deus e nossa Mãe, we reach Deus, Pai de misericórdia, may this harsh end end on the horizon of hope and peace. Like in Cana, he intervenes together with you Divino Filho, asking Lhe to comfort the families of two people who are victims and to open or to confide.
Protect doctors, nurses, health workers, volunteers who, in this period of emergency, are at the forefront risking their own lives to save other lives. Accompany your heroic fadiga and dai-lhes força, bondade e saúde.
He remained together with the assistants who attended the day of the donors, and two priests who tried to help and support everyone, with pastoral care and evangelical dedication.
Virgem Santa, will enlighten the minds of two homens and multitudes of science, in order to find the right solutions to overcome this virus.
Assisti os Responsáveis das nações, so that atuem com sabedoria, solicitud e generosidade, helping those that não têm or necesário to live, programming social and economic solutions with clarity and spirit of solidarity.
Maria Santíssima touched consciências so that the enormous somas used to increase and enhance the armaments sejam, before, destined to promote adequate studies to prevent catastrophes of the non-future gender.
Mãe amadíssima, fazei crescer no mundo or sense of belonging to a single large family, the certainty of the bond that unites everyone, to come, as a fraternal and solid spirit, to so much poverty and countless situations of misery. Encorajai to firmness in faith, to perseverance not served, to constância na oração.
Ó Maria, Comforter of two afflictions, embraces all of you troubled filhos and we are grateful that Deus intervened with his most omnipotent to liberate us from this terrifying epidemic, so that life could resume with serenity or its normal course.
Let us entrust ourselves to you, who shine on us or walk as a sign of salvation and hope, or mercy, or piedada, or twelve Virgem Maria. Amen.