OR National Institute of Social Security (INSS) payment in advance of the temporary disability benefit, sickness help, for some insured until October 31. Whoever had the advance until that date begins to receive the payment of the differences to which they are entitled next month.
Of the total 1.1 million advances, more than 600 thousand insured you will have the processes analyzed automatically and you can access the values related to the review. OR INSS revealed, however, that not all policyholders are entitled to this difference. For those ineligible, there was no change in the benefit amount after the review.
Whoever is entitled to the difference will receive a letter from the INSS with all the information and the total amount owed by the agency. The insured also has the possibility of making an appointment through Meu INSS, website or application, and by calling 135, to check if they are entitled to the difference.
This payment will be made into a checking account, in the case of policyholders who receive this type of payment, directly at the bank’s cash register or by withdrawal with a magnetic card.
The difference is calculated in relation to the amount of the prepayment, of R $ 1,045. The payment is made with correction and proportional to the free time, according to the total fees received. In September, the payment of the differences of almost 500 thousand insured had already been authorized, which had been given until July 2.
Sickness and BPC payments have been expanded
The INSS (National Institute of Social Security) has extended until the end of December the payment of the sickness benefit and the Continuous Term Benefit (BPC). The measure was reported in an ordinance published last Thursday (17) in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
The period for applying for benefits has also been extended. Now, benefits can be requested until October 31 through the Meu INSS portal.
Before, the payment of the BPC and the sickness benefit could be made for a period of three months, starting in April, according to Law 13,982.
See also: SAIU! NEW minimum retirement age until the end of 2020 in the INSS