During the period of social isolation, the INSS began to receive medical certificates from the insured in digital format through the My INSS portal through the website or mobile app. The person who used the platform to send the document and request the sickness benefit received an advance of R $ 1,045, after the certificate was validated by the agency’s medical expert.
The insured had until the last Monday, November 30, to make the advance request for the benefit. Therefore, it is no longer possible to make the advance payment of aid without experience.
The measure was taken in order to accelerate the granting of the insured’s benefit, thus speeding up the process during the new coronavirus pandemic. Anticipation did not require medical experiencethat is, it was enough for the insured to attach the certificate proving temporary disability due to illness or even accident.
Know what to do with the end of anticipation
Now, the beneficiary who falls ill or suffers an accident, for example, and needs to receive the sickness benefit, must undergo a medical examination at the Social Security agencies to receive the benefit.
Applications must follow the pre-coronavirus pandemic rule. In other words, the insured must schedule their experience through the Meu INSS portal or through central 135 and then go to an INSS agency.
Medical experience programming channels
- Meu INSS Portal;
- Call 135.
The beneficiary must access the My INSS website or application. Subsequently, it is necessary for the insured to register or enter their password. After that, just schedule a medical exam. Scheduling can also be done by calling 135.
BPC advance
The Continuous Benefit Benefit (BPC) of the Organic Law of Social Assistance (Loas), which anticipated up to R $ 1,045, will again require medical expertise. At BPC, the beneficiary who requested the benefit and verified the necessary income, received R $ 600 in advance.
However, to receive the full BPC, which pays a minimum wage to needy seniors and families with physical disabilities, it was necessary to go through the face-to-face experience in the same way as for sickness benefits. To qualify for BPC, the citizen must demonstrate their social vulnerability, as well as the person with a disability.
See also: End of R $ 300 aid: Government will deliver loan of up to R $ 5,000 to beneficiaries