INSS sends notifications to policyholders through the application, SMS and email


The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) has reported that it is sending notifications to the insured with information on the reopening of branches, available services and procedures necessary for face-to-face assistance. The application forwards the messages My INSS, SMS and email.

“The objective is to inform as much as possible about the new measures that are being implemented in this pandemic period, so that the citizen obtains a better service and only goes to an agency when it is really necessary and then calendar Central 135 or Meu INSS ”, explained the institute.

It should be remembered that on Monday the 14th, the INSS began the gradual reopening of branches in the country. However the medical experience, for example, it is suspended until the requirements of medical experts are met.

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The return from face-to-face activities will consider the particularities of each INSS agency in the country. Each unit must evaluate the profile of the personnel and contractors, the volume of services provided, the organization of the physical space, the cleaning measures and the individual and collective protection equipment.

The special secretary of Social Security and Labor of the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Bianco Leal, the secretary of Social Security, Narlon Gutierre Nogueira and the president of the INSS, Leonardo Rolim Guimarães personally accompanied, on Wednesday 16, the survey in an agency of the Social Security.

The Ministry of Economy explains that the purpose of the inspection is to confirm that the adaptation requests made by the Federal Medical Examination are being attended to. The institute says it hopes to be able to return to work in the category as soon as possible.

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