INSS: see how much you will receive from retirement in 2021 »FDR


The amount of the benefit of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) transferred to the insured is defined by the Federal Government annually. For next year, the increase forecast by the government is 2.10% on social security wages.

INSS: See HOW MUCH you will receive retirement from 2021
INSS: See HOW MUCH the retirement will receive from 2021 (Image: reproduction / Google)

The calculation of the increase in the amount transferred to retirees and pensioners by the INSS is based on the increase in the minimum wage.

The government’s economic team proposed for next year the base salary in the amount of R $ 1,067 reais, being R $ 22 more than the current value of 1,045 reais. The proposal for next year does not have a real increase in value.

At the beginning of September, the Ministry of Economy also presented the Budget Bill for 2021.

THE The government spending ceiling for 2021 will be R $ 1.485 trillion. The figure is based on this year’s ceiling, adjusted for inflation in the 12 months ending in June.

According to the project, R $ 453,715 billion is missing to pay Social Security benefits, personnel expenses, among others. The release of this money depends on the approval of a supplementary credit by Congress.

Increasing INSS benefits, therefore, does not show a real gain above the country’s inflation. In this sense, the maximum amounts that Social Security insured persons can receive must be 6,101.06 reais to 6,229.18 reais.

However, the current proposal will still be voted on by the National Congress. With that, the changes can occur until the end of the year.

End of the real increase in the minimum wage

The real increase in the minimum wage above inflation was guaranteed by law between 2007 and 2019. Everything depended on the record of growth of the country’s economy, within the policy of valuation of the minimum wage of the administrations of the PT governments.

The calculation considered the inflation of the previous year, measured by the INPC. Along with inflation, the result of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of two years earlier was added.

The formula became invalid last year and the The government of Jair Bolsonaro decided not to create another policy. In this way, the salary is readjusted only for inflation, following what the Constitution says.

The end of the actual increase directly affects the amount of the INSS benefit. Given that the value of the benefit for retirees and pensioners is defined based on the value of the minimum wage.
