Last Wednesday (30), two weeks after being set on fire by her ex-husband, the 30-year-old Chinese digital influencer Lamu died. The former threw gasoline and set her body on fire during a live show that the girl made on the Chinese version of TikTok.
The crime occurred after the suspect proved that he did not accept the divorce between himself and Lamu, according to Aba police in China’s Sichuan province. On September 14, the ex-husband broke into the influencer’s residence, where he burned his ex-wife.
Viewers of Lamu’s live performance described that at the time of the attack the screen of the live broadcast went black. Screaming sounds could be heard. The victim was taken to hospital, but could not withstand the burns, which caused damage to 90% of her body, according to the BBC. She has two young children, which she had with her ex.
The influencer had 782,000 followers on her profile on Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok). Her posts, in total, reached 6.3 million likes and included vloggs, which portrayed her routine, as well as post dubbing. Her last publication was her song of traditional Tibetan music, the same day she was later assassinated.
According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the ex-husband, identified by the surname Tang, would already have a history of domestic violence. The victim’s brother-in-law, known as Mr. Luo, informed the publication that he heard his wife “mention that her sister used to be beaten by Tang.”
The suspect also threatened to kill one of Lamu’s children if he did not remarry him. She did, but ended up running away from him and breaking up again, earlier this year, in May. Tang was arrested on September 14 on suspicion of “intentional murder”.