On Tuesday (13), after a series of messages on social networks, Gusttavo Lima posted a video on Instagram to talk about the end of his relationship with Andressa Suita. In the recording of just over a minute, the singer claimed that any rumors on the subject are not true, and that he ended the marriage because he was not happy.
“I wanted to be here to talk about good things, but unfortunately not everything in our lives is how we want it, how we imagine it, how it could be. I will make very clear everything that is happening in my life “, started on video.
Looking at the camera, the ambassador assured: “It is something that anyone is subject to one day. Nothing happens overnight. The marriage may be over, but the love, admiration, and respect continue. Andressa is part of my life, my history, my future. She is the most important woman in my life, because she is the mother of my two children, and raising our children is our priority ”.
He then talked about the reasons for ending the relationship. “I was not happy. You can be sure that I tried everything to maintain my marriage. It is not easy. Separation breeds suffering, after all, we are human beings. But it would be worse to be dishonest with her and my children”, he pondered.
He ended the recording by saying that he was being honest with the audience. “The truth is only one. Any malicious judgment, any gossip is not true, not applicable. I do not shirk my responsibilities and that will not change. Better a hard truth than a nice lie” concluded. Look down:
The end
On October 9, when the news of their separation was released, Gusttavo Lima explained, in an interview with Leo Dias, that the request to break up with Andressa came from him. “Right when I entered the relationship, I wanted to walk out the front door. No cheating, no betrayal “, guaranteed.
The ambassador also dismissed comments that the ending could be a kind of marketing to promote his new song “Café e Amor.” Released last week, the track tells of a relationship that has grown cold. “Separate Marketing… I’m not the type to do everything for success. More so with a wedding, for God’s sake. I am very sad about everything that is happening. They were not our plans. Now is the time to protect the family“, He clarified.
Wanted for hugogloss.com, Lima defined as the reason for the termination of the marriage, “normal ratio wear“. “There was no fight or betrayal and any information that is circulating in this direction is falseThe artist noted, through his advice. “Friendship, affection and respect continue, in addition to the greater mission, the upbringing and education of children. We have the understanding and respect of all“, Concluded the text.
According to information in Leo Dias’s column, Andressa no longer wore a wedding ring and would have left the singer’s mansion with her two children, Gabriel and Samuel. Now, the model would be living in her old residence in a condominium in Goiânia.
The news caught many people by surprise, as Suita had posted a photo with the citizen less than a week ago, on October 2. At that moment, she appeared in front of a jet with her husband and two children. “My guys”he wrote in the caption with a passionate emoji.
A day later, Gusttavo posted the same image with various emojis. In Instagram Stories, published on Thursday (08), the singer appeared playing with his children at home.
Before the wedding, Gusttavo Lima and Andressa Suita had been together for just over three years. They even parted ways in August 2015, but assumed in October that they had resumed and married civilly in December.
In October of the following year, the two had a lavish ceremony at the singer’s farm in the city of João Pinheiro, in Minas Gerais. In June 2017, the couple’s first child was born and a year later, they had their second child.