In the last direct of 2020, Bolsonaro says that he will not be vaccinated and calls journalists “ass and anus”


Bolsonaro insisted on the idea denied by Medicine that medicine is cheaper than the vaccine and continued with his incentive to use chloroquine, a substance that has no proven efficacy against Covid edit

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Forum – Jair Bolsonaro performed, last Thursday (31), his last concert of the year. During the broadcast, the president summed up pretty much everything he said during 2020: he downplayed the coronavirus pandemic, attacked journalists and encouraged the use of chloroquine.

Regarding journalists, Bolsonaro referred to Thaís Oyama and Ricardo Noblat as “ass and anus.”

“The family of the butt and the anus lost. Nothing happened that he said in the press, ”he said when he said that the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, would not be fired, as the professionals of the press suggested.

At another time, the president also indirectly discouraged vaccination, the main hope for Brazil and the world in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. He said he will not be vaccinated because he is already “immunized”.

As usual, Bolsonaro also continued to promote the use of chloroquine against the disease caused by the coronavirus and also said that those who followed the advice of “Doctor Messias” were not hospitalized. According to the president, the production of a drug against the disease would be cheaper than the vaccine.

The head of the Executive also declared that “the confinement is useless”, assuming a discourse contrary to that of the specialists and influencing more crowds, greater fear of health professionals.

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