In case of harassment, Alesp will judge himself – 12/18/2020


It is difficult to know where humanity is headed. But anyone who sees the walk of the deputy of the state of São Paulo, Fernando Cury (Citizenship), must go to the other side. It was only six steps. Cury approached the deputy Isa Penna (PSOL) in the plenary session of the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. He snuck up behind his colleague. Stuck on it. He touched his chest. The video is degrading.

Isa reported Cury to the São Paulo Attorney General’s Office. She accused him of the crime of sexual harassment. On paper, it leads to jail, from one to five years. In the real world, impunity results. The deputy also represented against the investigation in the Ethics Committee of the Legislative Assembly. The analysis of the case will not only define the future of Cury. Alesp will judge himself.

Cury said the following in his defense: “There was no […] attempted harassment, sexual harassment, or anything with some other name similar to that. If Ms. Isa Penna was offended by the hug I gave her, I apologize for it. Sorry if I embarrassed you. “

It was understood that the Cury’s brain begins to function the moment the deputy wakes up and does not stop until he sees, in the plenary session, an unsuspecting chest. When this happens, the parliamentarian’s hands lose contact with his neurons. It was in one of those moments that Cury thought it would be a good idea to hug Ms. Isa from behind, with his hand at the height of her bust.

Taking the character’s reasoning to its ultimate consequences, the outraged officer should perhaps thank the stalker for the courtesy of the harassment. Alive, Darwin would say that certain characters have stopped evolving. Worse: they started to come back. Now it remains to know which institution wants to be the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. The concept of the house does not bode well.
