RIO – In the first interview of the series with Rio’s mayoral candidates, DEM candidate Eduardo Paes said he will not run for state government in 2022 and said that, if elected, he will work with Bolsonaro. He denied the corruption allegations and Box 2 called Crivella a “popcorn maker” but highlighted his rival’s “victory” on the Yellow Line. Paes also admitted that it was a mistake to build the Tim Maia bike lane on Niemeyer Avenue.
He began his campaign by posting a video claiming he was not dishonest days after he became accused of corruption. Why should voters believe your version and not the prosecutions?
This is the voter’s judgment, not mine. I have to put my arguments. It is strange that an investigation is carried out in such a short time and that the complaint comes at the moment when I am declared a candidate at my party’s convention. For those who lived through the 2018 elections, when the testimony of (former Secretary of Works) Alexandre Pinto emerged, it is doubly strange. I say that in my campaigns I did not do box two
READ MORE: In the full interview, the relationship with Bolsonaro, criticism of Crivella and Witzel and a repentance of Paes in the city hall.