In a video, Paes celebrates Bolsonaro’s praise and says that the president’s supporters are free to vote for him.


RIO – The DEM candidate for mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes (DEM), held the live broadcast on Thursday night in which President Jair Bolsonaro declared his support for Mayor Marcelo Crivella (Republicans), who is running to reelection, leaving the possibility for supporters to choose another name. Paes recalled that although he was not mentioned by name, Bolsonaro called him a “good administrator.”

River: With which candidate do you most identify?

– Whoever votes for Bolsonaro here raises his hand. Bolsonaro has just declared live that his candidate is Crivella. Calm! Let me finish! I will win Bolsonaro’s vote. He said: “But I’m not going to talk about the other, not that we know that he is a super administrator.” So, the Bolsonarians are free to vote for me – said Paes.

Paes’ statement was made at a meeting with residents of a condominium in Joá, in the South Zone of Rio, organized by councilor Carlo Caiado (DEM), a candidate for reelection.

See: GLOBO interviews with candidates for the Rio City Council

At the meeting, Paes repeated the speech that, no matter who the president is, he intends to have good relations with him, as he did when he was mayor with former presidents Lula, Dilma Rousseff and Michel Temer.

Crivella ally: Bolsonaro ‘was kind’

In a live broadcast on Friday morning, Deputy Otoni de Paula (PSC-RJ), who participated in Crivella’s campaign two weeks ago, argued that Bolsonaro would have praised Paes for “kindness” and claimed that the president had not received “some figures” on the management of the former mayor. Otoni said Bolsonaro’s statement “made a big noise” in Rio.

Breakfast:Bolsonaro receives Crivella, records campaign video and gives ‘mayor’ advice

– Eduardo Paes himself has already made a small video mocking the Bolsonaristas, saying that you have already called him “super administrator”. No, you were nice, you just called him a good manager. Why did you do that? Mayor Crivella’s team that got it wrong wasn’t you. They should have told you some Eduardo Paes numbers, and then you would know that he was never a good administrator – said Otoni.

Elections 2020: ‘My last name is not Queiroz,’ says Martha Rocha about Bolsonaro’s appointment to the candidate

The deputy, an ally of Bolsonaro’s government in Congress, said two weeks ago that he would support Crivella “at the request” of the president himself, who has not publicly confirmed the orientation. According to Otoni, Bolsonaro would be concerned about the possibility of a second round between Paes and Martha Rocha (PDT), seeing them as allies of his discontent João Doria (PSDB) and Ciro Gomes (PDT), respectively. In this Thursday’s live, Bolsonaro associated Ciro with Martha, without mentioning the name of the candidate, but without mentioning Doria.

Elections 2020: See scenes from the electoral campaign in Rio.

In Friday’s live, Otoni cited accusations of overbilling and embezzlement in works linked to the Olympics under the Paes administration, explaining that his live was a warning to Bolsonaro “before paying a monkey.”
